Chapter 17 The In-Laws are Going

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Chapter 17

The In-Laws are Going

            “Baby, I need to go outside. Rick’s there and I need to find out what’s going on. You stay here, I’ll be back.” Daryl said and kissed her. When he walked out the front door, all eyes went to him. Helen was still sitting on the porch, her head in her hands. Rick and Paul were standing by the squad car talking. Daryl walked down the steps, not acknowledging the woman sitting there, best he didn’t.

            “How’s she doing Daryl?” Rick asked.

            “She’s a fuckin’ basket case! Michael said that she and his grandmother were having a fight. She’s hysterical, but I got her calmed down a little.” He turned to face Paul. “I don’t know you, or your wife, but I do know what she said to Yvonne. I know what she thinks of her and how she treats her. Yvonne doesn’t deserve that and the thought of you lettin’ that woman do that to her makes me fuckin’ sick! I have no say in what she decides to do, but if I did, I’d tell her to kick ya’ll the hell out and never see either of ya again!” Daryl was getting a little hysterical himself.

            Paul paused a moment before he replied to Daryl “I love that girl in there. She’s like my own daughter. I know she’s been treated badly, and by more than just my wife. I can’t excuse what she said or did, but I can tell you this son, she and Yvonne will never see each other again, I will make sure of that. Regardless of what’s happened, I know she would never deny us access to Michael. I will take over communication with them both, we’re leaving in a bit to go back home, Helen doesn’t know that yet. Daryl, she’s been like that since I’ve known her. I’m still surprised that she was willing to marry a man like me. I grew up in a shack in the mountains; had nothing to my name when we married. She’s always had this delusion about how things are supposed to be and when they are not to her liking, she throws disappointment everywhere. I’d like to speak to Yvonne before we go. Would that be alright Daryl?”

            “Yeah, sure. And I agree, those two should never have been left alone together. I really like Yvonne and seeing her like this is just ripping me apart.” Daryl said.

            “I know son. I can see how much you care about her, and I can see that Michael adores you. My son wasn’t meant to be a family man. She wasted many years hoping he would change because he loved them and wanted to be a better man for them, but he was too much like his mother. Take care of her Daryl, please. I love her too.” Paul then patted Daryl on the shoulder as he walked toward the house.

            “What the hell happened Daryl?” Rick asked.

            “Said that woman was saying God awful shit to her. Stuff about her, her marriage. Told me that woman never approved of her, made her feel like shit. Said their son did the same thing. Rick, I’m ‘bout to explode. I’ve never felt like this. She was breakin’ my fuckin’ heart. I wanna kill that woman and I’d kill her son if he wasn’t already dead.”

            “Why don’t you stay with her tonight? She needs you, and you need to be here. I can see it in your eyes, you’re not leaving her here by herself. You love her Daryl. Have you told her yet?”

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