Chapter 8 In the Daylight

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Chapter Eight

In the Daylight- multi POV

            After dropping Michael off at school, Yvonne raced home. She hadn’t even decided what she was gonna wear on her lunch date. She tried not to get excited, but she just couldn’t help it. Her head was really trying to win the race between it and her heart. She finally chose a simple pair of boot cut jeans and her Ramones t-shirt. After downing a bowl of cereal, cup of coffee and having a smoke, she headed for the shower.

            Daryl woke up nervous that morning. He hardly slept thinking about his lunch date with Yvonne. He was excited to see her, but his mind kept telling him everything that could go wrong. He’d never gotten this far with a woman before, never wanted too, and he was shit at this. He’d have to talk to her, which was okay, but he didn’t know how to do it with her. Women love to talk about stupid shit. Maybe he could just nod his head at the right time and just keep staring at her. No way, she would expect participation. He would want to participate, but God this is nerve-racking. When he got out of the shower, he checked his phone. She had sent him a text with her address and said to be at her house at eleven. He put the address in his phone’s GPS and anxiously smoked a cigarette. He was about to jump out of his skin, so he decided to go ahead and leave. It was only ten, but there could be traffic, right?

            Yvonne was trying to keep her mind busy until Daryl showed up. She had already unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher and swept the porch steps. Her watch said ten twenty and she wondered if Daryl was the type to be late or early. She sat on the couch and flipped through the TV stations until she heard a door slam. She stood up to peer out the front window and saw Daryl’s truck in her driveway. He was standing outside leaning on the driver’s side door smoking. He looked incredible. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and black jeans and they made him look sexy. She just stood there watching for a while until he squished the smoke under his boot. She quickly moved from the window to the door to greet him. He stepped up to the door and knocked twice. She passed a mirror on her way to him, took a quick look and got her own approval. She took a deep breath and opened the door.            

            Daryl stuttered a bit when the door opened. Her hair flowed over her shoulders and shined in the small amount of sunlight shining. She ushered him inside and offered him a seat. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be early or late. Uh, you want something to drink?” He shook his head no. The silence seemed to last forever. Then she looked at her watch. “It’s almost eleven. We can leave now, if you want?”

            “Sure. Where are we going?”

            “A little coffee house/café in town. The food is good and the coffee is great and I know everybody that works there.”

            “Alright. Let’s go,” he said and we walked out the door to his truck. As we rode to the café, it began to rain. “Hope you didn’t make outdoor plans.”

            “Well, actually, I had. But I also thought of something we could do if it rained. Maybe we could go to the movies or go back to my house and watch one. Whatever you want. Or, we could do something else.”

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