What the Hell part two

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Chapter Four

“What the Hell” part two

            Felt like I was in a damn romantic movie when the shake got to the table. Carol sat it down with two straws and just walked off. So, there we were staring at each other over a chocolate milkshake. Felt like that guy from the old 1950’s beach movies my ma watched when I was real little. “So, where do ya live? Don’t gotta go across town, do I?”

            “Well, I live about thirty minutes away, but I’m staying with one of my friends from the bar. This was supposed to be a girls night out for us followed by a sleepover, but I’m not sure that’s gonna work out according to plan.”

            “As long as you know how to get to her place, I can get ya there. Let me just get the check from Carol and we can get outta here.”

            “No way Daryl, I’m paying. I was the one who wanted food. You just brought me to it. Please? As a thank you for being a decent guy and offering me a ride?”

            Aw hell no! She’s not taking this away from me, even if I have to embarrass myself. “Listen, I’ve never really been on a date before, so just let me do this. Never got to pay for a lady’s dinner. You can pay next time.” And I didn’t hesitate, stood right up and booked it to the counter where Carol was pouring coffee for some poor schlub that musta come in while I wasn’t paying attention.  I glanced back at the booth as I walked and saw Yvonne’s pretty face full of smile. I’m gonna make sure I see that smile every day, in person. I know I’ll be seeing it in my sleep.

            “She must have bought ‘How to Relate to Daryl Dixon for Dummies’. She’s doing a good job I take it? Carol said, grinning.

            “Stop it,” I said. “She needed some help and I didn’t want to give Merle’s boys a chance to do it. One of ‘em had been eyeing her.”

            “Yeah, sure Daryl. But putting yourself in close proximity to a woman with all her body parts covered and walking a straight line is uncommon for any Dixon. No offence sweetheart.”

            “Damn ya bitch,” I said and laughed. “Ya know I ain’t like that. But then again, you dated Merle’s ass. What’s that say about you?” She rolled her eyes and handed me my change. “Don’t screw this up Daryl. Be good to her and she’ll be good to you,” Carol said and walked back into the kitchen. As I got back to the both, Yvonne was grabbing her jacket and purse. She took one last sip of the shake and stood up. I didn’t notice how close I was to the table until I realized she was just inches from me.

            “I’m ready to go,” she said in a whisper. Not wanting to dwell on the fact that she was close enough to kiss, I took her hand and led her out of the diner and back to my truck. The ride was silent again, except for her giving me directions. As we approached the house, I noticed the neighborhood. Typical suburban street, not like the one where I lived. The house she told me to pull in at was pretty, you could tell a woman lived there. It had flower beds and wind chimes. I stopped the truck in the driveway, but she didn’t make a move to get out. She unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to face me.

            “This was a much better night than I was expecting. Thank you for everything. For rescuing me, buying me dinner and driving me back here. Maybe I can pay you back? Do something nice for you,” she said.

            “Well,” I started. I was getting nervous again. Don’t know what to say, or rather, how to say it. “You don’t have to do that. But maybe I could see you again? In the daylight, not in a bar.”

            “I’d love that! Maybe lunch this week, or next. I don’t know what your schedule is, but we could work something out. I’d really like to see you again Daryl.”

            “I really had a good night too. Much better than my usual.” I could feel myself blushing, trying not to make a fool out of myself. Then my mind went on autopilot. I put my hand on her face and leaned in toward her. I just stared at those beautiful lips. I didn’t even realize that I had touched mine to hers until I felt hers move against mine. It didn’t last long, but I felt breathless when she pulled away from me.

            “I should go inside. They’re probably not even awake, but I don’t want them to worry.”

“Okay,” I said. She asked me for my phone and when I gave it to her, she put her number in. “Call me when you can,” she said.

            I watched her get out of the truck and walk to the door until she disappeared through it. What the hell has happened to me? There is no way this woman could make me feel like this, but she had. I just stared at my phone to reassure myself that this wasn’t a dream. Sure enough, her name and number were glowing back at me. I smiled and started to back out of the driveway. When I got back to the trailer I shared with Merle, I didn’t see his bike there. Fine with me, I’m definitely not in the mood for his stupid ass right now. I went to my room, shut the door and peeled off my clothes. I laid there with my phone in my hand. I decided to do something very bold. I sent her a text.

            Goodnight Yvonne. Have sweet dreams. D

I put the phone on the nightstand and watched it till the light went off. Just as I closed my eyes, I heard it vibrate. I had a message from Yvonne.

            Goodnight Daryl. I will. You too. Y

I’m gonna explode before I get to see her again.


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