Chapter 18 You Don't Touch Her

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Chapter 18

You Don’t Touch Her

            It was Tuesday morning and Daryl still couldn’t stop thinking about it. Waking up with Yvonne wrapped around him. It had been awkward for sure. He thought he was dreaming at first, she was lying so still in his arms and he was just holding her. He could feel the heat of her breath on his chest. He felt her eyelids flutter open and she looked up at him. She was beautiful in the morning, a sexy, sleepy smile and half-lidded eyes. “Good morning.” She said with a strained voice.       

            “Good morning, darlin’. How’d you sleep?”

            “Great. Much better than I thought I would. I should go make breakfast. Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll get Michael up.” She went all out this morning, it was a special occasion to her. She made scrambled eggs, bacon, homemade biscuits with gravy and hash browns. She barely got some for herself before it was all gone. Daryl suggested they take the car back to Senoia and then have a pic-nic for lunch and maybe do some fishing. He called the diner where Carol worked before they left and put in a lunch order for their pic-nic. They all had so much fun and Michael caught a fish all on his own. He could get used to this, Daryl thought to himself. He’d never had moments like this when he was growing up, or as an adult either. Didn’t know he’d wanted it so much.

            So, here it was, two days later and it was still running through his mind. Merle could tell he wasn’t mentally there this morning. Figured it had something to do with that woman he fancied. He needed a favor from his baby brother and felt guilty about it. He wouldn’t even think of involving him in this mess, but Joe wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. The best way to get Daryl to agree to something was to make him feel obligated, so Merle came up with a plan, “Hey there baby brother. What’s up? You seem a little lost.”

            “Just can’t concentrate today. Got a lot on my mind.” He replied.

            “Wouldn’t have anything to do with that blonde you’re nailing does it?” Merle laughed and slapped his brother on the back.

            “I’m not nailing her Merle. She ain’t’ ready for that. She’s a good friend, and, yeah I’m thinking about her.” He said shyly.

            “Well, I’m gonna do ya a solid Darlina. Being as how I’m you foreman, I got some say around here. You’re looking a little sickly and ya should probably go home and rest up, take care of yourself. Maybe even get a doctor to look ya over.”

            “What the hell are you doing Merle?”

            “You ain’t gonna be worth shit baby brother, if you’re sick and can’t concentrate. Go home or go to Woodbury, hell I don’t care. Just get your mind straight, however ya have to do it.”

            “You sure Merle? You’re shitting me, right?”

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