Chapter 12 Lying on the side of the road

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Chapter Twelve

Lying by the side of the road

            Yvonne had been thinking about Daryl all weekend. She hadn’t heard from him in two days. She didn’t expect to, but she missed it all the same. She had plenty to fill her time, but not her mind. She knew she was getting in deep with this emotionally and that scared her. She tried to reason with herself. She tried to convince herself that it wasn’t real, that she felt this way because she hadn’t been around a man in so long. She tried to convince herself that she could do this, a relationship with Daryl, if he wanted that. She would be willing to give herself to that. She doubted that is what he wanted from this though. Then she thought she would be able to deal with that, if he didn’t want a relationship. If she was ever ready and willing to be with him, she knew that would be the end. She wasn’t very good at the sex thing. David had told her that enough times. She wouldn’t be able to please Daryl, and he would bolt. But he doesn’t seem like that kind of man, she kept telling herself. She was so afraid to bring it up. She wasn’t good at talking about her feelings, it always seemed that there weren’t any words that did them justice, so she just didn’t.

            She was too preoccupied with her thoughts that morning to notice that her car was losing speed. She was struggling to make it over the smallest hill and dips in the road. Finally, she pulled over on the side when she realized her car was stressed. She knew very little about cars, David had always taken care of that. He knew them inside and out. She was afraid to make the little Sonata move if it was so unwilling. Daryl would know what to do, she’d call him. First though, she had to call the café and let them know she would be late. After she did that, she dialed Daryl’s number. He was on the construction site, but told her he would call T-Dog and get him to tow it back to his garage. He would look at it after he left work. So, sitting back to wait for this T-Dog guy, her thoughts returned to Daryl. She wanted so badly to see him again. She had desired him so much that she had done something that she hadn’t in a long time. Saturday night, after Michael had gone to sleep, she got into the box at the top of her closet. She had a small collection of toys that she had kept from her time with David. She brought out Mac and dusted him off. Even though it did the job, she couldn’t help but wonder how much better it would have been if it had been Daryl inside her instead of a stupid, overpriced piece of plastic.

            Lost in her thoughts, she did not notice the police cruiser pull up behind her. She was thrown from her contemplations by a knock on her window. She rolled it down and greeted the officers. “Good morning, ma’am. You having car trouble?”

            “Yeah, I’ve got a tow truck on the way.”

            “Well, it’s a slow crime day today. Let my partner and I keep ya company while you wait. Don’t want anything to happen to a pretty lady.”

            “Thank you. That would be fine,” Yvonne said. Such a charmer, she thought sarcastically. She noticed their squad car said Senoia Sherriff Department. “If you guys are from Senoia, what are you doing out of county?”

            “Overnight transfer to the Woodbury Police Station. One of your locals thought he could hide out with us, but we said no. I’m Deputy Shane Walsh. This is my partner, Deputy Rick Grimes.”

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