Diner Date

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Chapter Two    "Dinner Date"

            We arrived at the diner fifteen minutes later. I hadn't noticed the truck come to a stop until I heard him open the door and jump out. I turned to open my side door, but before I could, the door swung open and he stood on the other side holding his hand out to me helping me out of the truck.  Wow! He's a right Southern gentleman, I suppose. Next stop, pulling out my chair. He opened the diner door for me and I followed him to a booth in the back.  Seeing him in the harsh light for the first time, I noticed his eyes again. They held nervousness and perhaps insecurity. I took my eyes off his and looked at his face. He looked world weary, tired, and maybe a little scared. I was about to say something when our waitress arrived at the table.

            "Hey Daryl! Haven't seen ya in here in a while. How've ya been?" She said and flashed a toothy grin.

            "Been fine Carol. Just ain't felt like going our lately. Been real busy at work. Merle dragged me to the bar tonight, but I escaped". He said and smiled back at her.

            "Did you take a hostage on your way out?" Carol said, laughing lightly and looking over at me. Now his face went red and he dipped his eyes to the table.

            "This is Yvonne. Met her at the bar. Yvonne, this is Carol".

            "It's nice to meet you. He was kind enough to offer me a ride home. My friends weren't quite finished with their night and it seems neither of us wanted to be there".

            "Well, Daryl's a sweet one, that's for sure. Too bad his brother can't be more like him. You guys ready to order"?

            "I'll just have a cheeseburger, fries and a coke please".

            "I'll have the same," Daryl said.

            "Be back with your drinks in a minute" Carol said and walked away.

            "Well, I'm beginning to think your brother is an ass. No offense".

            "He is. Biggest asshole I ever met, but he's a tough sonuvah bitch. Practically raised me by himself, when he wasn't in juvie" Daryl said, finally lifting his eyes from the table.

            "Maybe I should call my friends and warn them?" I chuckled nervously hoping not to sound too freaked out.

            He looked at me seriously, as if he had been hurt by what I said. "He wouldn't hurt 'em. Never hurt a woman ever. Neither of us would. It's not right. He might annoy them, could creep 'em the fuck out, but he's no rapist. They're safe". We smiled at each other as Carol sat our drinks on the table. When I took a drink, I saw her pat him on the shoulder and give him a wink.

            "So," I said after a few moments. "You've known Carol for a long time I'm guessing. I just noticed you two seem to get along well". Not jealous. Not jealous. Please don't be an ex-girlfriend.

            "Yea, she dated Merle for a while. Didn't last long. Don't know why". He said sarcastically. "She's great. I help her out with house stuff, like repairs an stuff. She cooks dinner for me sometimes. I teach her daughter, Sophia, how to track, use a compass, and shit like that. I'm taking 'em camping in a couple weeks. Soph's been on my ass about taking her out for a while now".

            "That's cool!" I said. "I've never been camping before. My parents were never into it and I guess I just lost interest after I got older. I'd love to go sometime. I imagine it's probably the most calming experience in the world. Being with nature, the fresh air. My grandfather was a hunter. Deer, quail and rabbit mostly. Every year he would tell me that he would take me with him next year. Never happened".

            "Well, I hunt same as your grandfather, I guess. But I get me some squirrels too". I squished up my face at that. "They're not bad if ya season 'em right. When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time in the woods. It's a good place to think, when ya want to be alone. You're right. It's the most peaceful place on earth".

            Just then, Carol brought our food to the table. She dropped mustard and ketchup bottles on there too and asked if we needed anything. We both said, "no" and "thank you" and started eating. We ate in silence mostly except for the occasional "mmmmmmmmm good". It was one of the best cheeseburgers I'd ever had. And they served the crinkle fries that I love so much. Every now and then, I would look up from my plate to see Daryl chomping down on his burger or stuffing fries in his mouth. He ate like he hadn't had anything in weeks. It was cute, funny, but I didn't dare smile. Didn’t want to offend him with a cuteness accusation. Too soon we were both done, plates clean. Daryl asked if I liked it and I said yes. He followed up with, "Would you like a milkshake? If ya liked the burger, the shakes are incredible".

            "Well sure, but I don't think I could finish one. I'm kinda full".

            "I'll share with ya. Ya like chocolate"?

            "I'm a woman ain't I"? I said as I smiled and winked at him. I heard him say something under his breath. I wasn't sure but it sounded like, "you sure are". When I looked at him, he blushed slightly. He held his hand up for Carol as she walked out of the kitchen.

            "Ya'll done or are ya getting dessert"? She said as she makes her way to the table.

            "Yup. Gonna get a chocolate milkshake".

            "Just one or one for each of you"?

            "Just one please" I said. "We're gonna share. After that meal, I couldn't finish one by myself".

            "Alright. One shake, two straws. Coming up".

            As she walked away, the table grows quiet. His thumbnail ended up back in his mouth and he gazed at me. I didn't know this look. I had never seen this on a man's face before. His hair was in his eyes, but this time, the blue shone through the dangling strands. I smiled at him shyly and rested my chin on my palm. "Sooo, what do you do? For work, I mean"?

            "I work construction, but do car repair work part time. Got a buddy owns a garage in town and I do some stuff for him when I ain't on a job site".

            "That's cool. It's important for a woman to know a good, reliable, honest mechanic. I guess if anything ever happens to my car, I'll call you up".

            When Carol brings the shake to the table, she doesn't stay long. Just drops the straws on the table and leaves us alone. I can't believe I'm here, in a diner at one o'clock in the morning with a man I've only known for about two hours. An extremely sexy, handsome man at that. I don't want this night to end.

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