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Kiana Jones and Emily Fox had forever been on opposing teams. Kiana doesn't hate many people, she's a very soft person when it comes to other people's feelings, but she hates Emily. She always has. Well, always would be putting it wrong. Kiana only began hating Emily when Emily made it clear that she didn't like her. But that was years ago, the two girls were now young women, young successful women at that.


Story in Kiana's POV


I never thought I'd have to see her again. I left secondary school, went to university to go in the direction I wanted to, believing that I would never have to even think about her. We had caused one another a lot of problems when we were younger, all which stemmed from something petty. But that hatred we had for one another, I'm sure it ran deep in her veins too.

It was absolutely obvious that she did not know that I was her new agent. I was sure that she did not decide upon my new arrival as such an important model in her life, because in what world would she want me to be making such important decisions in her untouchable life? In no world.

Maybe it was her parents, maybe her becoming a famous actress made them more prone to making decisions for her, and instead of doing everything themselves, they hired me. I was also sure that they didn't know that I was their daughter's enemy throughout our entire childhood, unless they just dismissed the idea, thinking that we would have grown out of it by now.

I was not willing to fight with her over stupid things anymore, I wasn't going to stoop to such a low level but I certainly wouldn't allow anyone to walk all over me. Especially not her.

"You have an appointment in exactly thirty-three seconds Kiana." Richard spoke from just outside of my office.

My office wasn't overly lavish, but the furniture and the decorative design of the room itself made people believe that the office was just another one of those social conventions where rich people hung around all day talking about themselves, without actually doing any work. The windows that looked across the city made people think that I thought I sat on top of the world, and the private room that I had attached to it made it all too obvious that I spend too much time working. My job was the bane of my existence, I moved away, worked to be where I am today and dove head first into a busy schedule.

"Thank you Richard. Send them straight in when they're here." I dismissed his presence, not out of rudeness, but more out of habit. He had constantly tried to form some sort of fatherly bond with me, one that I tried even harder to diminish. I didn't like it. He knew that my family hadn't spoken to me for a while, it was one of the reasons why he took to me in my interview, because he somewhat understood me.

The glass that surrounded me was private, almost as if it was a wall in itself. The only glass that allowed people to see in and out was the window, and we were way too high up for anyone to see what happened in my office. Not that there was ever anything out of the ordinary happening for anyone to want to pay such close attention to it.

My head snapped up at the intrusion as the door flapped open, and even though I was expecting three people, five more people followed the first three. The five that followed were dressed in all black suits, a stoic expression held their faces hostage, an expression that made me believe that they were her bodyguards. And then there was her. Her glare set dead on me. I dismissed her gaze. My eyes then took ahold of her parents.

"It's so nice to meet you, you must be Mr and Mrs Fox?" I offered my hand, to which they both took, Mr Fox after Mrs Fox. Mr Fox was dressed appropriately for the meeting, a blue blazer dressed down with a pair of black jeans, finally topped off with a pair of blue loafers. It was a strange combination, but he pulled it off well. His grey hair and barely noticeable stubble made him look older than he was, but his hazel eyes and his tanned skin redeemed him from his actual age. Mrs Fox on the other hand had perfect black hair, flowing gently down her shoulders, something that made it clear that she was at least ten years younger than the man she was married to. Her deep brown eyes were partially covered by a pair of sunglasses, which were barely holding on to her nose. She wore a relaxed sun dress with a pair of black sandals. She was almost the complete opposite of Mr Fox, where he was covered up and smart, she made up for all of the physical relaxation that he lacked.

And then there was Emily. She was a picture perfect combination of her mother and father. She had inherited her mother's black hair and prominent eyebrows and lashes, her father's tanned skin and his height, but she had hazel eyes. Her eyes had always managed to render me speechless in the worst times. Mostly in arguments where being seen as staying silent was possibly one of the worst options between the two of us, because we were very verbal people; staying silent made it look as if I had no other comeback. Which meant I lost every time I drowned in her hazel eyes. Her eyes were almost golden in some light, which made me lose my place, like any average person would of course.

"David and Jenny, please." Mr Fox spoke up before looking back at his daughter, urging her to introduce herself. I decided to speak up instead.

"I'm Kiana Jones, feel free to address me however you would like." I said, avoiding her gaze but offering her my hand. She seemed shocked that I had acknowledged her in this way, introducing myself as if we didn't know each other. But we didn't, not anymore at least. We knew each other five years ago, now at the ripe age of twenty-three, I could confidently say that I was not the same person I was. She slowly stepped forward, her eyes almost hinting at the confusion before she reluctantly placed her hand in mine.

"Emily Fox." She spoke, her eyes focused on our conjoined hands that refused to shake, then darting over my face and then finally my neck.

My dirty blonde hair gave my skin the recognition it needed, making it look much more tanned than it actually was. My grey eyes contrasted almost perfectly with my skin and my hair, but the natural look I acquired wasn't what struck people when they looked at me. It was the deep scar that diagonally travelled from just beneath my left ear to my right collarbone. No one had ever asked me where I got it from, probably out of respect. People made assumptions beforehand, so maybe they didn't feel the need to ask and just came to their own conclusions. I didn't mind, people could think what they wanted. It wasn't their business anyway.

I pulled my hand from her grasp, nodding at her. My hand clung onto the collar of my white shirt, uncomfortably moving it to cover a little of my neck, feeling naked under her gaze. My brown brogues matched the brown blazer that hung over the back of my chair, finishing my look off with simple straight leg trousers. I screamed old money, something that had never been more morally wrong.

"I know who you are." I said gently, trying to ease us both into a comfortable start. I cleared my throat before speaking up again, motioning for them to take a seat, Mr and Mrs Fox sat on either side of Emily, maybe to make her feel more comfortable. "As you know, I will need a timetable of the events that are upcoming, I will need to know any interests you have that you want to participate in and I will need to know any media presence you have already set up. I will also need your social media accounts, to hand over to our team to ensure that your profile is the best it can be for your benefit. I will not be handling the social media side of things but you are welcome to come to me with any questions regarding the matter. I will be attending events with you, but I will not stay with you during any of them, I am only there to make sure things run smoothly. I think that's covered most of it, if you have any questions?" I finally concluded my summary, looking away from the paperwork in my hand as I set in in front of Emily and her parents.

"Can we keep this? Just to give to our legal team, I'll have them contact you in case of any events where they may need to be present. They will be available to you if you feel like they need to get involved in any matters too. Here's their card." Mr Fox said, rummaging through his blazer pocket and producing a pristine white business card.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to add them as a contact. And you may keep the paperwork, I know how these things work."

"We know you do, that's why we picked you. We're long term friends of Richard's, so it only seemed right that we stayed with his business." Mrs Fox said, I felt no reason to correct her.

"Of course. Here is my number, I would rather all three of you have it." I said, handing them my business card from my desk drawer, my eyes looking directly at Emily. My business card was not as pristine as the one they had given me, mine had Richard's written across the front, my number only presented on the back under a few others, you had to search for it.

"You fucking wish." She muttered under her breath, something that all of us could hear. David and Jenny looked over at me in shock at her clear disrespect towards me, but I showed no offence. Maybe they were worried that I wouldn't want to stay as her agent, how wrong they were.

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