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I lay flat against the bed as the bathroom door creaked open, but the creak didn't bother me. The thought that I needed to remind Sharon and Jerry that the door needed oiling was gone before the idea had fully formed. I pushed myself up into a seated position, my back against the headboard as my eyes devoured Emily. The black matching lingerie almost looked too good on her, her breasts peaking out. But despite how much attention she had on her, she continued to move to the wardrobe. This wasn't her room.

"You won't find any of your stuff in there. You do know that this isn't your room... right?" I asked, confused as to whether she had made other arrangements with either Sharon or Jerry and they had neglected to tell me.

"I want something of yours. Come and choose for me. Please?" She almost sounded embarrassed to ask such a soft request. A small smile found my face as she looked down shyly.

"Of course." I whispered, shuffling off my bed and moving closer to my wardrobe, placing a gentle hand on her back. My other hand searched for a hoodie that I knew she would love; the name on the front breast of it would be something that she would appreciate.

Jox was the name of a clothing brand that our parents used to own. They had thought it was a good idea a long time ago, and it was mildly in fashion. But then they decided against it, feeling that they were worth more than a clothing brand. I didn't see the problem with it, making affordable, comfortable clothing for people that held significance was a nice idea. But they clearly didn't have the same mindset. I hadn't worn the hoodie for a while, I hadn't worn any of their brand's clothing, because I was their estranged daughter. I didn't want to be wearing something that belonged to them. But I also couldn't throw it away.

I softly pulled the hoodie down over her, watching her face for any distaste. Her eyes ventured down to the stitching before looking back up at me in curiosity. "Will you ever tell me what happened?" She spoke gently, knowing that it was a tricky topic.

I sighed out. Maybe it was time she knew more about me, more about what happened. I pulled her gently towards the bed, plonking down on it and motioning for her to join me. She sat against the headboard, keeping a little distance between us, making me frown. But I discarded it.

"I was quite hard to deal with throughout my teenage years. I argued with you, I argued with my parents. It was all the same to me, I had no boundaries when it came to disagreeing with everything anyone said. I had respect, just none that I knew how to dish out to people. Mum and Dad put me into therapy. Even thought it helped me grow, my relationship with my parents deteriorated fast. Instead of arguing when they said no, I started arguing over things that meant more, things that were touchy. You know how my Dad was. No patience. Bad temper. One day I stuck up for Mum, he snapped. Mum will never take into consideration how he is, she will always be in denial. I told her to leave. She took his side. They kicked me out, so I came here. At least until I got back on my feet. I was falling into a hole fast and I needed support that my parents couldn't give me. Sharon and Jerry mean the world to me. They helped me through breakups. Every time I was torn apart, they glued me back together. That's why it was so difficult with you, because every time we argued, I broke." I ranted, frowning in frustration as everything piled out.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, fiddling with her hands. I placed one of mine over them.

"No. Don't. I didn't break because of you. I broke because I was already cracked. And then after a few times I exploded. I was never meant to fall for you. I convinced myself that it was your fault. But it was never you. It was my parents' fault. So for that, I'm sorry."

"I broke your heart." She whispered, barely being able to say it. Her eyes watered and she moved her hands out of my grasp to rub the tears away. I moved to lie closer to her, resting my head against her knees. I rested my hands against her bare thighs, gently rubbing my thumbs against them.

"You did. But you're fixing it now. Emily, I have everything I have ever wanted. Don't feel guilty, you made me grow too. You're here now, and that's all I have ever wanted. I like being vulnerable. I like that you've seen me at my lowest and now you understand why. I like that you know what I am capable of and you know my limits. It means that you've seen all of me."

"You're so good with words." She mumbled, pulling her hands away from her face and looking down at me. "My friends used to tease me about you. They could see what it was. What it could have been. I was stupid to miss that. But I have you now. I don't think you understand how much this chance means to me. I want everything with you. The good, the bad, the utterly devastating. I want to feel it all with you Ki. And I never want to be alone."

"I'm not going to leave you." I stated.

"There's nothing to leave. We're not together." She teased.

"Be my girlfriend. Be my wife. Fuck you can be the mother of our children, as long as you're only mine." I muttered, clambering up to straddle her lap and pulling her face close to mine. "So what will it be?" I whispered against her lips, my eyes flashing up to her's.

"I want to be yours. The gasoline to your fire. I want to be your girlfriend, and hopefully your wife in a few years, and then maybe the mother of our children. I only want you, Kiana." She shuddered out, pushing her lips against mine in a frenzy, her hands harshly pulling on my hips to pull me closer. I quickly pulled her hoodie off, throwing it off the bed. The kiss wasn't gentle, it was rough. Sloppy. She tugged my top off, pulling me back against her as her teeth grazed my neck before biting down.

"Emily." I groaned, pushing her head away from my neck. "That fucking hurt." I muttered, pulling her back into me and instead pushing her down flat on the bed, hovering in between her legs as she clasped them behind my bum. "How would you fucking like it?" I seethed, leaning towards her neck as she grabbed onto the sheets beneath her. I placed gentle kisses up and down her neck before dragging my teeth down it towards her chest. My hands ventured underneath her to un-clap her bra, watching it fall away from her breasts. My teeth bit down on the skin down the gap between her breasts, her hands now roughly buried in my hair. She panted beneath me as I kissed around one of her nipples, her legs tightening around me. My tongue gently pressed against her nipple before she shuddered beneath me, her eyes squeezed shut as her mouth opened in a silent cry.

"Did you just-." My eyes widened as I took her in, her chest heaving as she quietly moaned beneath me.

"I-I really need you to fuck me." She groaned, ignoring my question.

"Did you?" I asked again, her hooded eyes dropping to connect with mine.

"Yes. Now fuck me." She sneered, aggressively pulling my head back towards her lips. Then a light knock echoed on the door, making her groan in annoyance. I placed a gentle kiss against her cheek before motioning for her to go into the bathroom as I got up and pulled my top back over my head. I then pulled the door open to see Wren.

"Hey, sweetheart. How come you're still awake?" I asked softly as I dropped down to his level.

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