1.The Meeting

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"hello Dragonets of the jade winglet! Clay happily said as he continued his speech " today you will be in pairs for hunting and for fruit! I will be choosing your pairs."

"turtle and moon, Kinkajou and Umber, and finally qibli and winter! :) "

"Qibli and Winter will go hunt for prey in the forest, Turtle and Moon will go find fish, and Kinkajou and Umber will collect fruit" 

me and Qibli soon left for the forest

once we were in the forest I realize that he was looking at something, something mesmerizing, cute and confusing. A few silent seconds later it was quiet, silent until literally a half a millisecond later he started running.

That Idiotic sandwing Literally just left me! of course why would I care.. because he my friend.. WHAT! NO he just some idiot sand sniffer clawmate. as I was about to fight my stupid thought I heard someone yell:

"COME OVER AND SEE THIS WINTER!!!"  Qibli said enthusiastically 

I run over to see that Qibli is sitting on the grassy floor looking at...

"A SCAVENGER!?" I yell with a surprised tone 

"wha- how- whe- .. *AHEM... HOW IN THE THREE MOONS DID YOU FIND THIS!!??" I quickly ask

"I dunno I just saw a small blob  in the distance and it was kind of cute so I ran towards it also I thought that if it was a scavenger it could be like a pet for you like a replacement for Bandit!" he happily said in a low tone

"What do you think, do you want to keep it?" he said very quickly with that toothy smile of his with both of his hands holding up the scavenger in his hands

the scavenger looked very sore, bruised and a bit scared, she was sitting down on her knees with dark brown eyes and black smooth hair with kind of muddy clothing and to add to that she had a bruise on her eye

I couldn't say no to this poor scavenger 

"Fine.. I'll keep her" I said with a sigh

"YEEES!!" Qibli happily shrieked  and ran up to hug me 

As he did I felt my heart beating more and more

what was happening?

A SCAVENGER!? (QINTER)Where stories live. Discover now