3. New Scavenger Name

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Qibli's POV

It had only been a week since Winter had gotten his new scavenger 

it was the weekend and Winter seemed to be staring at it not blinking at all

"You know your not gonna get it to do anything just staring at it?" I snorted 

"I just .... Don't you think it a little strange that its not even trying to escape? I mean it's just staring back at us what does it want? a staring contest?" Said Winter trying not too blink

"well did you get it any food?" I ask with a curious expression

"Shoot I forgot" Said Winter quickly before turning his head away from mine

"Well then how about I go get some blueberries from Kinkajou" I say with a smirk on my face


Winter POV

"Welp that sand snorter went to go get some food for you" I say with a look of confusion

the scavenger then tilted her head and squinted her tiny brown eyes

"Don't give me that look, its weird, its almost as if you understand me" I say with a chuckle as I turn my head to the window

"Your weird"

I jumped as that sentence was said

"Huh? Who's there?" I turn my head around the room to see that Qibli had not arrived back from kinkajou's dorm and it was only me and the scavenger

"I'm just gonna take you outside" I took her cage and walked out to the prey center, the scavenger looked at me with a 'meh' expression on her face 

"Alr jeez how about I take you for a fly?" I ask

and yet she looked at me with the same confused expression AGAIN

I turn my head and murmur "What am I going to do with you?"


I jumped yet again to see no one around and it was only us

" uhhh ok?"

I jump from the edge and set my wings ready to fly 

feeling the scavenger holding on tight 

I leapt forward and flew 

across the tree and around the mountains 

a few minutes passed and I decided to stop flying and land and walk back to my dorm 

when I arrived I saw Qibli there siting on his bed

"Oh! Hi prince icey :D I got the blueberries! also kinkajou says hi" Qibli said softly with a smirk on his face 

"Ok 1 do not call me that 2 WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO DAMN LONG!!!"

"jeez sorry I was just talking with moon and stuff"

I felt a sharp pain in my chest 

"oh.. alr"

"Oh and here's your blueberries" he said as he handed them to me

"thanks" I say 

quickly after finishing that sentence I see a ruby ring on his finger

"nice ring" I mutter

"Oh! Thanks! The others and I have matching and here!" 

I look up to see him holding a a sapphire bracelet and as soon as I pick it up the scavenger started squeaking at me

"what the-"

I look down at it to see it pointing at the ring and herself continuously


"Ooohh I know lets call her sapphire! She  seems to like sapphires anyway"

"Oh I guess that makes sense" I say cautiously 

living in the same room with qibli had taught me too always be careful because there might be a little trick into it

"Yeah sapphire.. Sapphire the scavenger!"

"exactly Mr. Handsome :)"

"Alr Mr. Sand face" I say as I nudge his wing comfortably  

Whoo! 549 Words!  Pretty good sorry this was short don't really have that many Ideas 

But have a good Day/Afternoon/Night see ya!!

A SCAVENGER!? (QINTER)Where stories live. Discover now