5. Queen Thorn

85 4 7

Qibli POV

We were walking to my sister's office

after I saw that horrifying picture

Winter was right beside me walking angrily 


my talon?

A/N damn auto correct

confusion spread through me quicker than a forest fire 

Maybe he was doing this to repay for hailstorm 

or he was angry he was trying to get to sunny's office faster 

I had no Idea, With Winter he was always confusing

 one day he would be somehow be able to joke

the next day he would be grumpy and tired 

DANGIT! do you hate me or not?

I soon realized that Winter had no care for the scavenger cage anymore because he was just holding the scavenger on his shoulder  

she was staring at me and looked as if she whispered something under her breath

And I know this scavenger had probably no Idea what we did in our dorms but it sounded like the voice came from her saying:

"Next I want a child"

as soon as I hear that red spreads across my face 


I soon realize that we have arrived at sunny's office already

and hat Winter was still holding my hand I opened the door and Sunny was siting at her desk

writing something down

"Sunny" I mutter quietly as I see sunny's eyes were fast asleep

"PROFESSER SUNNY" Winter yelled

"OH MY THREE MOONS" I heard Sunny yelp as I jumped from surprise  

the first thing I noticed was that she wasn't staring at me 

her eyes were looping from the scavenger to our


oh camel farts

I saw that Winter had noticed that too as he shook my hand of his

"Professor Sunny can you please lend us some fruits for my scavenger" He said as he raised the scavenger in his hand as the scavenger looked as if it was hugging his finger happily

"AWWWW" Sunny squealed

"Yes its cute now can we have the fruits or not?" Winter said sternly  

"Of course!" Sunny yelped happily

 she gave the fruits to Winter as Winter gave one strawberry to Sapphire

she ate it happily

"I hope you don't mind Winter but.. can I borrow Qibli for a sec?" Sunny asked 

"Uh sure" Winter said mournfully he left the office 

"So qibs, -"

"ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS"  I yell feeling my cheeks turn red

sunny jumped a little

"sorry" I say quietly

"Its alright but that's actually not what I was going to say" Replied Sunny


"Well I got a letter from Mom and she said that there will be a dance! She hopes to meet this girlfriend you've been talking about"

oh shoot 

How am I supposed to go the dance when I just saw Moon kissing another dragon

Then I suddenly remembered 

The kiss with


I can ask Winter to go with me

"Actually I don't have a girlfriend" I said smiling

"Really? Then who have you been seeing?"

" Just the Prince of Icewings"

"Wait your DATING PRINCE HAILSTORM!?" Sunny Yelped surprised

"What!? No! I meant Winter"

Winter POV

I was right beside the door to Sunny's office listening to every word and was startled and flustered when he heard Qibli say:

"Just the prince of the Icewings"

for one second I thought it was actually me

but then I heard Sunny Yelp:


Of course it wasn't me I was just being stupid 

I was about to walk away when I heard Qibli say some thing that made my cheeks go dark blue

"What!? No! I meant Winter"

Qibli POV

"O.M.G. Are you serious?!" Sunny whispered

"Never had been this serious in all my life" I say calmly

"EEEEEEEEEEE" Suny squealed "Well then you should definitely come!

"Sure why not" I reply

"Alrighty then! See you there" Sunny leaped with joy

I walk out the door of Sunny's office to see Winter waiting right there

"What did you say too Sunny" Winter started he conversation

"Oh I just told her that you and me were dating and going to the dance to see my mom"

Winter POV

The thought started running threw my head 

me and Qibli


at a dance

"But were not even dating!" I yell

"Really? Then what was that kiss for?" he said as he nuzzled his snout gently against mine 

"SHUDDUP! But, fine I will go with you too your weird camel dance or whatever"

"dats mean"

hi! woah 672 words! dats a lot  anyways good night/day/afternoon wherever you are 

good luck with things bYe

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