4. The 'Accident'

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Winter POV


I turn back and see Kinkajou screaming at me

"Hi-_-" I say uncomfortably jerking my head away as she came to hug me

"Oh hi Kinkajou" I hear Qibli say followed by Moon

"Hi baby<3"

"Hi" I turn my head to see Moon coming up to hug Qibli

As I feel a more sharp pain in my chest than the last one 

"Hey" I say trying to distract myself "We all have history class"

"Oh! Yeah lets go" Qibli said looking very desperate to leave Moon's hug

We all arrive at the history cave 

"Good morning class!" said webs our history teacher "Today we will be doing a group projects in pairs"

"But sir! There are 29 of us how are we all going to be in pairs?" Kinkajou Yelped

"Well then I suppose there can be a group of 3"

"YEEEEEEY Moon! Turtle! Your with me!" kinkajou yelped once again

Qibli POV

"Well then I guess we were made for each other" I say as I turn my head to winter's

"Pfff, as if" Winter snorted " But If your that desperate, sure I'll be your Partner"

"YEEEY! I knew you loved me!"

"Yeah, yeah lets just get started"

A few minutes go by and me and Winter are working on the project


and he actually threw a slug at my head, RUDE! :(

but as he turned his head from me I could see in the corner of his face he had a dark blue spreaded all across his face 

But just as I was about to throw the slug back with my majestic throw


I heard the gongs ring and that meant In that sort of sound Witch meant 'GO TO CAFETERIA NOW!'

We all head to the cafeteria to see Tsunami screaming repeatedly "EVERYONE NO CLASS FOR TODAY!!! GO BACK TO YOUR DORMS AND ONLY COME OUT WHEN I TELL YOU TO"

Winter POV

We walk back to our dorms and just as I opened the door I see the scavenger siting on a side of the window 


"I have no idea I put it in the cage and- wait why hasn't it left yet, it got out of the cage, the window is open, why didn't it try to leave?" I question

"Maybe it likes you?" Qibli said questioning his response

"Well at least its not running away" I sigh

"Well lets continue with the project"


Qibli POV

It had been at least an hour after that announcement 

When Winter suddenly said something strange

"If I said I liked you would you hate me?"


"NO! Actually, I... like like you"


"UGH, f**k it"


 I close my eyes for just one second to see myself being pulled by Winter into a kiss


omg what was I doing?

why was I doing it?

he has a girl friend 


I kinda like this 

"Abt time"

I push myself away as I look around the room while Qibli looked around shocked 

"Did you hear that!?" I ask

"Ofc! That voice was loud as f**k!" He replied

"Well there's only us and the scavenger here so it was probably no one" I say quickly trying to deny the thought of a talking scavenger

the scavenger!

I look around to find it now siting on my bed 

"lets just forget this ever happened, ok?" I say quickly

"alr" Replied Qibli still looking flustered

"Lets just go and get some berries from Kinkajou, for the scavenger"

"yeah" I hear Qibli say as I open the door from our dorm and walk with him to Moon and Kinkajou's dorm

as we say nothing to each other 

once we reached the door we opened it as I blink once, to find

"Hey Kinkajou can we borrow some berr-"  I open my eyes to see Moon and The new student 


A rainwing 


I could hear Qibli running in the distance as I stared 

and when they opened their eyes it was already to late to explain

"Winter- Its not- I didn't" Moon was looking for a reply

"Please don't tell Qibli!" The new student asked desperately 

"He already knows" I say with a sort of tone of disappointment in my voice as I walked away

I decided I would go and get the berries from Sunny

 she always has fruits

but first I went back to my dorm to talk with Qibli

"I'm sorry qibs" I say sorrily

"It's alr" I hear Qibli say with a tone of sorrow in his voice "it was bound to happen"

"It was not you sad camel, now come on lets go see your sister for some fruits"

"Alr" I heard Qibli sniffle as we walked to Sunny's office


Dats a lot

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter 

Have a good Night/Day/Afternoon

stay hydrated and goodbye!

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