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HI YEAH I AM PANIKING CURRENTLY BC I HAVE NO MOTIVATION BUT I Am still going to continue this story please enjoy my SUFERING CHAPTER / STORY :)

-Winter POV-

I woke up to see that annoying sandwing poking my damn scavenger, Sapphire

who squeaking at Qibli 

"Hey" I growl

Qibli jumped and turned around and his eyes had grown very deep eye bags 

"Oh.. Hey winter! Nice night isn't it?" He croaked with a handsome toothy grin with his beautiful night colored eyes-


"Yes of course-" I say proudly trying to keep my posture to have superior until, I saw something on the floor-


"Winter! We got a real good close up of Uranus! Ha get it?" He explained poking y scavenger who didn't seen to notice anymore

"QIBLI" I yell

"What!?" He yelped

"Did you go through my drawer?" I ask

"no" He answered

and by the look I could tell he was sincere 

"WHERE DID YOU GET DRUGS!?" I yell with a worried look on my face forgetting my posture

"Oh that.... It doesn't matter, now gimme a kissee!" He said as he leaned towards my face 

I blushed

"Qibli sit on my bed" I say trying to rid my blush

he and I sat down on my bed

I told him to stay while I get some water to sober him up

"but wwwhhhhhhyyy?" He whined

"Because you and our dorm is a mess, what were you doing?" I asked a bit aggressively 

"I just wanted a drink wintyyyy" he coughed as he hiccupped again

"Alr I'm not dealing with your nonsense, stay here and I'll get some water ok?" I gesture politely

"Can I come?" Qibli croaked sounding like a tvrgffvdfffdfedwewewee

A/N that was not a typo

"No" I answer 

"But wwwwhhhhyy?" He moaned

"bc you sound like a F(quack)ed up dragon" I answer with a stern growl in my voice

"So are you into that?" He asked with a toothy grin at the end 

"I will f(quack)ing kill you" I responded quickly but hastily trying to make sure that he wouldn't put anymore flirting in any sentence

he had eventually made me consider bringing him along

I had decided the decision of draging him along to also bring him to one of the under lakes

He can probably drink some water and take a bath that should calm him down

but after five seconds of considering it he passed out

"QIBLI!" I yell with a twinge of horror in my eyes

Qibli had passed out to my horror

I decided to bring him along and drag him all the way to the underground cave

-Sapphire POV-

I was siting in my weird cage very bored

till that Qibli dragon started poking me

A SCAVENGER!? (QINTER)Where stories live. Discover now