1-1 Back To School

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Y/n lays in bed enjoying the peace and quiet of being asleep with no worries or cares in the world.


Y/n's hand shoots from under the bed and smashes down on his alarm clock shattering it into pieces and he falls back asleep. When his phone starts going off too. Y/n sighs and finally gets up and sees Peter calling.

Y/n: Y'ello what's up Pete.


Peter was a huge Spider-Man fan. If only he knew he was talking to Spider-Man right now.

Y/n: Yep, saw it all. (Yawns) I was paying so much attention to it it's like I was there (chuckles)

I love messing with Peter even if I'm the only one who understands.

Peter: Man, I guess you are really the biggest spider fan staying up late to watch the watch the whole fight! You must be tired.

Y/n: You have no idea

Peter: Anyways dude you got to hurry up school starts in 10 minutes and from the sound of it you haven't even gotten out of bed.

Y/n Crap! (Y/n's attendance to school often suffers do to his adventures at night) I got to get ready talk to later Pete!

Peter: Oh don't forget about our Star Wars marathon this weekend!

Y/n: Even the sequels?

Peter: Even the sequels.

Y/n: alright by Pete see you later.

Y/n hangs up and gets out of bed. Doesn't exercise because he's naturally buff and doesn't want to get to big and does almost nothing with is amazing hair.

He throws on Jeans, a white T shirt, and a jacket. And of course his Jordan's that his friend Miles picked out for him.

Y/n goes down stairs and begins running to school

Mr Ditkovich: Rent!!!

Y/n: Sorry not today Mr Ditkovich

Mr Ditkovich: You better have it by the end of the week!!!

Y/n: If only I got paid for being Spider-Man, or you know... had a job... Nah

Y/n runs and Swings (a little) to school making it there early

Y/n: never doubt the amazing Spider power of great time management!

Y/n waits at the door as Peter, Miles, and Harry walk in

Miles: I still don't understand how you get here so fast! Peter said you were still at home!

Harry: Yeah Y/n you always get here before us no matter how much of an early start we have!

Y/n: Well you know, I'm just, uh you know got a ride here

Peter: Really? From who?

Peter says doubting you

Y/n: Uh you know my girlfriend.

Miles: CAP!

Y/n: Yeah there's no way you'd believe that I just took the bus

Harry and Miles believed me but Peter is suspicious know that Y/n has raved about how much he hates public transportation but yet Y/n are still early every day even when he woke up late.

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