7-2 What If... Y/n vowed for revenge.

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Moments Later...


Gwen and Y/n screamed as they were suddenly teleported into a bar. They both got off the ground. Y/n got up first before helping Gwen to her feet. Their spider senses rang off and they looked around at where they were. They were in a bar surrounded by other costumed individuals. A man in a yellow and blue suit, A robotic man dressed in a green cloak, A man who resembled a darker Dr Strange, The Watcher, and a familiar spider-man.

The Watcher: Now everyone has arrived.

The Spider-Man in a black and red suit turned towards the two who had just arrived and waved towards them.

???: Hey, Y/n! Gwen! What's up!

Y/n: Miles? Is that you?

Gwen: Miles?!

Miles: You know it! Y/n you scared us with your whole symbiote freak out at the society. You been ok?

Y/n: (Sighs) Yeah, Just a lot has happened.

Miles: I'm glad man, good to see you brought Gwen to your universe okay.

Miles' words hit Y/n like a truck. Y/n looks down in sadness before responding to Miles in a somber tone.

Y/n: Oh...

Gwen takes another look at Miles and inspects him.

Gwen: Is he a... Spider-Man?

Miles: I've always been Spider-Man, don't you remember the collider? what'd you fall and hit your head?

Gwen: Collider? Y/n what's he talking about?

Y/n: It's something... for another time...

Gwen turns to Y/n and gains a puzzled expression. Y/n began to panic about what he would have to tell Miles and quickly tried to change the conversation. The Watcher spoke up.

The Watcher: All will be revealed, let us continue.

Y/n walked up to The Watcher and poked him in the chest.

Y/n: Hold on not so fast baby face, What's going where are we?!

A man resembling Doctor Strange floated forward and answered Y/n's question.

Strange Supreme: We are here... to stop you.

All the other heroes and or villains in the room all turned to face Y/n and Gwen. The man in the yellow and blue suit extended claws from his knuckles, readying himself for a fight.

Strange Supreme: Well, not YOU you, another you.

Y/n: Another me? Like in the multiverse?

The Watcher floats forward and into the conversation circle.

The Watcher: Precisely, I believe you've heard part of the story before, but now it has spiraled out of hand.

Gwen: Hold on, Y/n what's going on?

Y/n: It's a lot to explain...

Strange Supreme: (To Gwen) Your fiancé had some inter dimensional shenanigans while you were dust.

Gwen quickly spun over to Y/n

Gwen: What! That's amazing! Why didn't you tell me?!

Y/n: Well it was kinda... complicated...

The Watcher: It is indeed complicated, However I believe Miguel, in that you play an integral role in his demise.

Gwen: Wait who's Miguel?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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