1-2 Night Watch

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After school Y/n heads home thinking about his day he couldn't get Gwen off of his mind, but all that can wait because now he couldn't be Y/n L/n he had to be Spider-Man

He suits up, pops in his AirPods, and Swings through the city scouting for crime. Suddenly he hears police sirens and he decides to follow them. When he arrived at Y/n met up with the policeman he knew, Captain George Stacy, "What's the situation Captain?" Y/n said in a deep disguised voice, After all he couldn't use his real one.

George: "Another bank robbery, although this isn't your average criminal he's got some kind of explosive gauntlets."

Y/n: "Don't worry Captain Stacy, I got this. (Y/n gave him a thumbs up)

Captain Stacy: (Sighs)

Y/n rushes into the bank and see a man in a yellow armored suit with some kind of special gauntlets on his hands.

"Hey buddy, (turns to look at Y/n) I know you want some cash but you sure you want to do this?" Y/n told him

???: "Go away!"

Y/n: "Alright you asked for it. (Cracks neck) time for maximum effort!"

Y/n dashed towards the criminal when he spins around and his gauntlets are pulsing yellow "I said GO AWAY" Y/n's spider sense shot off as the criminal launched a wave of yellow energy towards Y/n and he dodged it with ease.

"Ooohhh neat trick, My turn!" He says and web zips towards him kicking him in the chest as he slides backward a bit. He quickly recovers from this and launches more energy blasts at Y/n. "So bud you got a name? Y/n says zipping around the room dodging blast after blast. "I'm the Shocker!" He says. "Oooohhhh very cool, much more creative than "Rhino" I mean c'mon I know he looks like a rhino he could've been a bit more creative than that."

"Shut up!!! Just let me do this!" Yelled shocker "Yikes, tough crowd." Y/n said. The blasts from Shockers gauntlets were tearing up the building launching debris everywhere. One chunk of wall lands on shocker hitting him pretty hard knocking him to his knees. Y/n sees this and a light bulb goes off in his head.

"alright bud this little escapade was fun but 'bout time I wrap this up." You web around the room throwing debris at Shockers armor which causes way more damage than your fists. When Y/n starts to have the upper hand in the fight Shocker's demeanor suddenly changes "Please, they're gonna hurt my family if i don't do this"

This gains Y/n's attention but you continue to fight Shocker. Each piece of wall Y/n throws at him brings him down more and more until eventually he is on his knees.

Y/n webs him up throws him at the wall upside down leaving him stuck to the wall like that. "So, should we kiss" Y/n joked towards him, expecting to make him mad but he looks at Y/n worried. "Please, Spider-Man they are going to go after my family, I know I'm a criminal but can you please protect them for me?" "Who's threatening them?" Y/n replied "OSCORP said if I didn't give them money they would hurt my family!" Y/n couldn't let anyone die no matter if there a supervillains family or the villain themselves. "You know what I will, but only if you say please?" "Go to hell Spider-Man!" "Aaaah close enough."

"Oh, and one last thing." Y/n grabs Shocker's gauntlets and take them with him to the police. "Can't have you escaping" Y/n said as Shocker yells in annoyance, which Y/n sees and just chuckles.

"Here you go captain, Criminals tied up and disarmed in the bank." "Thanks Spider-Man I'll send a team in. (Sighs) George said "He looks upset" Y/b thought. Suddenly a thought rung in Y/n's head. "George Stacy, Gwen had the same last name! Am I crushing on the captains daughter!" He thought

Y/n decides to approach and talk with him to see if his theory is correct. "Hey, Captain" "Hey Spider-Man, what are you still doing here?" "You seem upset, like something is bugging you. Want to talk about it?"

The captain looks at him confused but then thought that why not and he started to open up "Well I just worry about my family if they are doing alright." He says "So you got a wife and kids?" "Yeah, A daughter and two younger sons" Y/n's theory checks out worrying him a bit. "I just, (he sighs) My daughter is in her last year of high school and is about to go to college, I just want to know if she'll be ok on her own?"

"Well," Y/n says "As an unbiased person with no skin in the game, you got to let her spread her wings, man" He opens his arms up "like this, if this isn't nice then I don't know what is."

"Maybe" George says "Oh well, good talking to you Spider-Man." Y/n reaches out for a fist bump and the captain sighs and reluctantly fist bumps him back. "See ya, Captain" Y/n replies and swings off.

He swings off around the city stopping a few more crimes and Y/n decides to head to a pizza parlor and get some food. Once Y/n arrives he walks up to the counter "hey, how's my favorite guy doing!" The man at the pizza parlor looked up at Y/n realizing who he was. "the usual Spider-Man?" "Absolutely" Y/n responds. The man at the restaurant was named Max Dillion who Y/n saved a long time ago but Y/n still checks up on him and hang out with him on Max's birthday. Y/n noticed how down he was when he saved him and Y/n befriended him as Spider-Man, Now Max runs the best Pizza Joint in New York, Dillion's Pizza. He comes out with a box of pizza "this one's on the house Spider-Man," he always tries to give Y/n free pizza for what he did for him, but Y/n always refused and paid anyway. "And hey thanks for spending my birthday with me." "No problem man, what are friends for! Also you got something on your shirt!" Y/n shouts as he shoots a web with a $20 bill on it at his shirt. "Keep the change!" "Thank you Spider-Man"

Y/n sits on a rooftop and plops down to enjoy his pizza "Pizza Time" he munches down the pizza. Now Y/n decides to head home swinging throughout the city as he looks at the New York City Skyline in awe. Y/n has seen it a million times but every time it looks better than the last. "I love this city!"


If you have any feedback be sure to leave a comment and have a great day!

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