5-1 Back To Reality.

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1 Year Later...

Y/n got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror revealing his changed appearance. His look had changed drastically over the past year. He was now more pale and had bags under his eyes. His H/C was longer and unkempt, and his E/C eyes looked dead.

Y/n thought back to when he killed Thanos. There was something there with him, Inside of him, influencing him. He has been hearing a strange voice ever since too.

In New York City, Y/n steps out of his car and shuts the door. It was his first day of college, well the first day of any school for anyone since the snap. Y/n had lost all his friends to the snap. Harry, Mary Jane and Peter. He didn't know if Miles was still alive, but he didn't want to see Miles after the whole Prowler incident. Y/n walked into his class.

Teacher: You must be Y/n L/n. You're late. You're seats over there by Ned, Raise your hand Ned.

A slightly chubby kid raises his hand and Y/n goes to sit down next to him.

???: Food!

Y/n just ignores the voice. He has been hearing it ever since has got back to earth. Y/n thinks he has just gone nuts and developed multiple personalities. He doesn't care enough to do anything about it though. He doesn't really care about anything anymore. He had only gone to school because Tony made him.

Y/n sits down and sends out his hand to shake Ned's.

Y/n: Hi

Ned: Hey, I'm Ned, CEO of sex.

Y/n: What?

Ned: Sorry, it's an inside joke with my friends.

Y/n: Oh, Ok.

They both just sit there in silence for a bit.

Ned: What about you? Do have a name?

Y/n: I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n

Ned: Very cool, Hey do you like Star Wars?

This made Y/n think of Peter and he lowered his head. Ned picked up on this.

Ned: Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.

Y/n: No, you're fine, you just remind me of someone. Me and my friend Peter liked Star Wars and would marathon watching the movies.

Ned: Oh, Sounds like fun.

Y/n: Yeah it was.

Y/n and Ned spent the rest of class talking about Star Wars and other nerdy stuff.
Eventually class ended and Y/n left school.


Y/n was at the memorial for the people who were lost to the Snap. He found where Gwen's name was and went over to it like he does every day. He hears a thud and turns around seeing Tony has landed behind him.

Tony: Hey kid.

Y/n gets up and greets Tony.

Y/n: What do you want?

Tony: Well, Pepper and I noticed you haven't rsvp'ed to our wedding yet.

Y/n: That's because I'm not going. I thought you would've got the hint.

Tony: Listen kid, I know your upset but you should get out, socialize, be happy. Staying home all day isn't going to help anyone.

Y/n: I'm not staying here. I have patrol in an hour that will last all night.

Tony: You sure you're getting enough sleep kid?

Y/n snaps back at Tony.

Y/n: I'm fine!

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