3-6 Anniversary

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1 week later...

Y/n and Gwen were walking to a restaurant. They were both dressed in nice clothes and were heading to a nice restaurant. Gwen eventually spoke up to Y/n.

Gwen: So what happened to Miles? Did he really turn himself in?

Y/n: Yeah, he pleaded guilty at his trial and will get a shorter jail sentence. I hope he changes and is better from now on.

They both continue to walk in silence before Gwen speaks up again.

Gwen: I saw you fight the six. You were pretty brutal.

Y/n: I just couldn't bear to think of them hurting you. I know I wouldn't have killed them, but I wanted to show them that no one messes with you.

Gwen: Well, I appreciate that you care about me. Maybe you don't permanently damage them that bad though? I mean I heard Vulture and Rhino might never walk again.

Y/n: Oh well, They'll find a way to come back and be another pain in the ass.

Gwen: (Giggles) Yeah.

Y/n and Gwen arrived at the restaurant and we taken to their seats. Gwen is in awe at the fanciness of the restaurant.

Gwen: I can't believe we can afford this place!

Y/n: We can't. I just snatched a bit from some of the criminal's wallets that we stopped.

Gwen: Baby...

Y/n: I know, I know, but they kinda deserved it.

Gwen just shakes her head and laughs and Y/n laughs too. Soon the waiter approaches and they order their food. Y/n ordered a gourmet burger and Gwen ordered Pasta. When they finished their food they got up and went to get some ice cream. Once they got their ice cream they walked through Central Park.

Gwen: Can I try yours?

Y/n: Of course.

Y/n and Gwen both take a bite out of each other's ice cream.

Gwen: Can we switch I like yours better?

Y/n: What? You should've got mine then!

Gwen: Pleeeeaaaaassssseee?

Gwen looks at Y/n with begging puppy dog eyes.

Y/n: Alright fine, but only because your so cute when you make your face like that.

Y/n and Gwen swap ice creams and continue to walk through the park, eventually they arrive to where they had first proclaimed their love.

Y/n: Remember this spot Gwennie pooh

Gwen leans in and kisses Y/n on the lips and he kisses her back.

Gwen: I do, that was one of the best days ever.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah it was.

Y/n takes a deep breath and clutches something in his pocket. Gwen quickly takes notice of this.

Gwen: You ok honey?

Y/n: Yeah, I just... I don't know...

Gwen grabbed his shoulder and stared into his eyes.

Gwen: Y/n, you can tell me anything.

Y/n: I'll... I'll tell you later, I promise.

He nods towards Gwen and gives her a reassuring smile.

Y/n: Spider's honor!

Y/n holds up a salute and they both begin to laugh.

Y/n: I do have one more surprise for you though.

Gwen Turned to him intrigued.

Y/n: Now I know we said no gifts since we were tight on money but this isn't money related. I'm changing my super hero name from Spider-Man to Phantom-Spider. Y'know to match yours.

Gwen leans in and gives him a kiss.

Gwen: I love it!

They both head back to their apartment. Now that they were both 19 and out of high school they needed a place to live and they decided to live together. They had scraped up enough cash to afford an apartment together.

They entered the apartment and set down their things. Gwen went into their bathroom and began to take a shower. Y/n got dressed for bed and laid there when he got a call from Peter.

Peter: So how did it go?

Y/n: It was great, just me and Gwen. No crimes, no distractions, none of that.

Peter: So did you pop the question?

Y/n: Nah I think I'm going to wait a bit longer, I don't want to rush in and ruin anything.

Peter: Oh well, I'm sure it will all work out. So did you see the new trailer for the Fnaf movie?

Suddenly Y/n's attention is drawn to the bathroom door as it opens and he sees Gwen naked biting her lip.


Peter: wai-

Y/n quickly hung up on Peter. Gwen leaped on top of him taking him by surprise.

Gwen: Hey there big boy.

Y/n: H-Hi Gwen!

Gwen: So, you ready?

Y/n: Y-Yup.

Y/n and Gwen push their faces together and begin to make out. Gwen webs the light switch turning off the lights.


Next Morning...

Y/n wakes up next to Gwen they were both naked and lying in bed. Y/n nuzzles into Gwen and they lie there for a bit before an alarm goes off.

Gwen: I don't want this to end... Stay please...

Y/n: I got to get going it's my day to patrol.

Y/n leans in and kisses Gwen on her forehead.

Y/n: I'll see you later my love.

Gwen: I'll see later baby.

Y/n and Gwen kiss again. Y/n gets up and puts on his new spider suit.

Y/n: Alright time for my first day as Phantom-Spider!

Y/n jumps out the window and swings around the city. He goes through his normal routine of stopping crimes, saving cats from trees, helping old ladies cross the street, and so forth. About halfway through the day he is swinging when suddenly a orange ring appears in front of him and he can't stop himself in time. He flies through the portal and lands in a building reminiscent of a haunted mansion. He looks up and sees two figures. One handsome blonde buff man he recognized to be Thor and the other he didn't know but Y/n thought the new guy looked like some kind of Wizard.

Dr. Strange: Y/n L/n, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange, and I have a job for you.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is the end of season 3! If you have any feedback or questions make sure to leave a comment and have a great day!

The Itsy' Bitsy' Spiders (Gwen Stacy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now