2-1 The Beginning Of A Civil War

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A few weeks later...


I went to go visit Aunt May today. She called me saying she had important company and she wanted me to meet them. I got to aunts house and set down my things.

Aunt May: Hey Y/n, how was school today

Y/n: It was alright, Hey there's this crazy car parked outside...

I turned to my right to see the one and the only Tony Stark.

Tony: Hello Mr L/n

I was shocked and nervous I can't believe the Tony Stark was here

Y/n: uuuuhhhhh... Hey I'm Y/n

Tony: I'm Tony

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Tony: It's about time we met, you've been getting my emails, right?

Y/n: Yeah, Yeah

Tony: About the September Foundation. Remember when you applied?

Y/n: Yeah

Tony: I approved, so now we're in business.

Aunt May: Y/n, you didn't tell me about this?

Y/n: Well I know how much you love surprises! Heh heh... By the way what did I sign up for?

In honesty I had no idea what Tony was talking about.

Tony:(to May) Here let me talk with the kid for five minutes.

Tony walked over to talk with me in private in my room.

Y/n: Look I didn't apply for a grant what's going on here?

Tony: Quick question of the rhetorical variety. That's you right?

Tony pulled up a video of me in my Spider-Man costume stopping some criminals. How did he know that was me!

Y/n: N-no, definitely not!

Tony: Yeah, look at you go

He pulled up more videos of me stopping crimes and even fighting the rhino.

Tony: You got mad skills

Y/n: That's all online though, that's where you found all that? You can fake anything these days with a computer.

Tony: mmm-hmmm

Tony picks up my backpack and pull out my suit.

Tony: Well, what have we here?

Y/n: uuuuhhh... that's uhhhh...

I struggled to find an answer.

Tony: So you're the Spiderling? Spider-Boy? Human Spider?

Y/n: Spider-Man

Tony: Not dressed like a homeless man you're not.

Y/n: it's not Hobo clothes.

Tony: Who else knows? Anybody?

Y/n: Just my friend Peter. I can't tell anyone else or they would think I'm a murderer. So no one else.

Tony: Not even your unusually attractive Aunt?

Y/n: Wait what? No! if she knew she would freak out!

Tony: That's webbings really neat. Who manufactured that?

Y/n: I did, It... It comes out of me.

Tony: Gross

Y/n: No! Not like that! It comes out of my wrists!

Tony: Anyway, climbing walls, super strength, how are you doing all that?

Y/n: I was bitten by a radioactive spider.

Tony: Yeah, Sure, Listen you're in dire need of an upgrade. That's why I'm here. But I gotta know? Why are you doing this? What gets you out of bed every morning?

Y/n: I want to help people, I couldn't save my uncle and I want to make sure that never happens to anyone again. I want to keep the people I love safe.

Tony: I'm assuming that includes Gwen?

Y/n: Yeah I-Wait how do you know about Gwen?

Tony: Not important, kid. Do you have a passport? Have you been to Germany?

Y/n: No, wait what's in Germany?

Tony: Captain America. And we are going to need all the help we can while fighting him.

Y/n: WHAT! You want me to fight captain America?!

Tony: Pretty much yeah.

Y/n: This is about the Sokovia Accords! I saw on the news. Are seriously going to fight him about this!

Tony: He's now a criminal. So he'll be treated like one.

Y/n: Than you can go there without me. I'm not helping you with that.

Tony: This will save lives! Just sign the Accords and help us out!

Y/n: (Sarcastically) Yes, and give control of the Avengers to the same people who tried to nuke New York when Loki invaded. Yeah great plan.

Tony: Fine, kid but I'm going to keep an eye on you.

I saw that Tony is about to leave before he does calls someone on the phone.

Tony: Time for Spider #2

Gwen's house

Gwen POV

Ms Stacy: Gwen there's someone here to see you!

Gwen: Be right there mom.

I ran up to the door and opened it and almost screamed when I saw Tony Stark standing in the doorway.

Tony: Hey Ghost-Spider, I need to talk to you in private.

Gwen: How do you...

Tony: Here I'll explain...

He tells Gwen what he told Y/n, but he doesn't tell her that Y/n is Spider-Man

Gwen: I don't know. I don't care for the accords.

Tony: Here, I know your not a big fan of that Spider-Man. So if you help us and sign the accords. We can go after Spider-Man next since he didn't sign them.

Gwen: Fine, Ill help.

Tony: There we go.

The next Day

3rd POV

Y/n stands near an alley in his Spider suit when suddenly a white van pulls up.

Y/n: I saw whats happening, I want to help.

???: I got your message, hop in.

Y/n: Thanks, Hawkeye

Hawkeye: No problem, The other Recruits are in the back, Why don't you two get some bonding time.

Y/n hops in the back with the other two passengers.

???: So who are you?

Y/n: I'm Spider-Man.

Wanda: I'm Wanda Maximoff

Scott: Hey, I'm Scott

Y/n: Hey Scott, I'm Spider-Man.

Scott: Oh, we're using our made up names. In that case I'm Ant Man!

Y/n: Oh... Great.


Now we are starting to get into Captain America Civil War!

If you have any feedback please leave a comment and have a great day!

The Itsy' Bitsy' Spiders (Gwen Stacy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now