3-3 Six Is A Party

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Y/n and Gwen met up out side of Flash's house. They could hear the music from outside and even see kids parting outside on the lawn.

Y/n: Ever been to something like this?

Gwen: No this is a first.

Y/n: Pro tip, Stay away from the alcohol. You're probably a lightweight.

Gwen: There's alcohol?!

Y/n: You really have have never been to a high school party before, huh?

Gwen just looks at the ground embarrassed. They both began walking into Flash's house when Flash jumps up behind the two. When he begins to speak Y/n and Gwen could tell he was drunk.

Flash: HeY y/N, My pAl!

Y/n: Flash you... Ok?

Flash: I'm WoDeRfUl (burps) YoU TwO ShOuLd Go InSiDe ThErEs SoMe GoOd StUfF iN ThErE.

Y/n: Ok... (To Gwen) Let's just get away from him.

Gwen: Yeah...

Y/n and Gwen head inside to the party and see kids jumping around and laughing. As they were walking around they ran into Peter, Miles, and Harry. Just as they were about to talk Y/n and Gwen's phones go off.

Y/n and Gwen's phones: Trouble at the prison! There's a riot!

Y/n: Gwen we got to go!

Miles catches wind of this and turns to Y/n

Miles: Do both of y'all have to go? Couldn't at least one of you guys stay?

Y/n turns to Gwen.

Y/n: It's ok I can handle this. You just stay here and enjoy yourself.

Gwen: Are you sure? I can come too!

Y/n: It will be fine, It's just a prison riot.

Gwen: Ok, just be safe!

Y/n: I will. (He turns to Miles) Miles take care of her I'll be right back!

Gwen: Hey, I can take care of myself!

Miles: Don't worry, I got it.

Y/n: And Gwen, Stay away from the fun stuff. Your mom will kill me if you get drunk.

Gwen: I'll be fine! Just go!

Y/n: Alright time to go to prison!

Y/n swings off.

Miles: So... You want a drink?

At the prison...

Y/n: Alright Jeff what's going on?

Jeff: A ton of prisoners are rioting and overpowered the guards. We need to lock them back up now!

Y/n lands in front of a group of prisoners.

Y/n: Alright everyone, back in your cages!

The prisoners yell and run towards Y/n.

Y/n: Fine, But when you wake up with 10 broken bones tomorrow don't blame me!

Y/n engages into battle with a few of the criminals who prove no match for him. One of the criminals lands a punch to Y/n's chest who doesn't even flinch.

Y/n: Hmph. My turn!

Y/n grabs the criminal and throws him into the air. He web zips up and lands a punch launching the criminal straight into the ground. Who lands with a loud crack.

Y/n: Ooohhh... Yikes sorry! You got the Batman treatment.

Suddenly a loud explosion goes off and Y/n turns to see the maximum security section of the prison torn in half.

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