3-1 Day In The Life Of A Spider

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The sun rose as Y/n sat on his bed taking a nap with Gwen hugging his torso and her head on his shoulder. A cop radio shoots off.

Police Radio: Seems like we have some supervillain activity, please send some officers.

Y/n slowly wakes up and yawns as he turns over to Gwen. He could just sit there for hours with her but alas the city never sleeps and neither can he. Gwen slowly begins to talk in her sleep.

Gwen: Mmmmm... Y/n come back...

Y/n: Sorry Gwennie the Pooh, I got to go kick the shit out of some bad guys.

Gwen: Mmm... Stay...

Y/n: I'll be right back, Real Quick, In and out. 20 minutes.

Gwen: Mmmmm... Last time you said that you were gone for two weeks...

Y/n: I promise I'll be right back! I love you!

Gwen: Ok... I love you too... Zzzzzzzzzzzz...

Gwen fell back asleep and Y/n gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

Y/n quickly and quietly snuck around his house and looked for his suit. He found it neatly folded up in a corner. Definitely not of his doing. His suit had a note on it.

Note: Washed this for you, now go kick some ass! - Love Gwen

Y/n chuckles as he puts on his suit. He then turns towards the window. He runs and jumps out.

Y/n: Alright New York, let's see what you got today!

Y/n begins to swing around the city and tunes into the police radio to see what's going on.

Y/n: Hey Jeff, what's the tea today?

Jeff was the new police captain since George had passed away helping Y/n fight the Green Goblin. Gwen went public with the footage of the Green Goblin fight showing that Spider-Man didn't kill George, which was good because it allowed Y/n to do his Spider work without the police trying to hunt him down.

Jeff: We got some superhuman activity down by Times Square, Some new guy. Put him in his place Spider-Man.

Y/n: Alright, Let's get to work!

Y/n swung his way down to Times Square hearing loud crashes and explosions going off as he got closer. Eventually he made it to Times Square and saw a giant lava man crashing through the streets.

 Eventually he made it to Times Square and saw a giant lava man crashing through the streets

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Y/n: Hey! Jeff you never said I would be fighting a giant lava monster!

Jeff: Hey, I never said it would be easy!

Y/n: Alright Fine, Time for maximum effort!

Y/n dashes towards the Molten Monster when the monster swings at him throwing rocks everywhere.

Y/n: So, I have to ask this every time but, do you got a name big guy?

The monster just swings again throwing more rocks and creating more destruction.

The Itsy' Bitsy' Spiders (Gwen Stacy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now