Chapter 19

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Warning there is a little bit of 18+ content, it isn't much but I just wanted to warn just in case.


Gray's POV:

We made our way down the street and everything seemed to be a struggle for her. She breathed hard and her face was filled with pain. I was starting to panic, maybe this was a mistake. We stopped constantly so Juvia could take a moment. Eventually, we made it to my apartment. We stood in front of the door and I let Juvia lean against the railing that lined the few steps up to my door. I unlocked it and opened it before grabbing onto to Juvia again leading her inside. 

I sat her down on my couch and went back to the door to close it. She sat on the couch shaking in pain. I knelt down and began taking her shoes off. 

Juvia's POV: 

My body hurt incredibly, that walk felt like years and my body was punishing me for it. As the pain dialed down from sitting, I finally looked around. I'm in Gray's house! It was a very cozy and warm environment. It had a kitchenette with a small dining table all connected to the living room we were sitting in. Behind Gray was a door I'm guessing that lead to his bedroom, Gray's bedroom!

Gray slowly took my shoes off and rubbed my legs a little. Our walk was quite cold as snowy clouds formed above, by now it was snowing. His hands were warm and it felt nice as he massaged the pain from my legs never going high enough to my thigh. It was honestly all too much, my face felt so hot. My darling was massaging me, eeee!

My thoughts were cut off when Gray said something, but my delusions prevented me from hearing him.

Juvia: "Huh? What um did you say?"

Gray: "Did you want to take a bath? It should warm you up and it'll help the pain."

My face was on fire now, my love wants me to take a bath! AHHHH! My excitement is through the roof! My glee stopped when I thought about the pain, there is no way I could do it by myself. I haven't had a bath in a while. I looked down and away from Gray in sadness.

Juvia: *shyly "I-I can't."

Gray: "Huh? Why not?"

He said very concerned.

Juvia: *shyly "I can't do it alone, I'm in... so much pain and I don't think... *tears forming  I don't want to look at my wounds."

Tears started dripping from eyes, it had dawned on me that I would have to be alone with my wounds and my thoughts. Every time I find myself alone, thoughts of the torture and the pain hit me like a brick. I wipe my tears and swallow hard, then forced a smile.

Juvia: "It's okay my darling, maybe... maybe a different time. When I'm better perhaps."

Gray's POV:

Her smile was filled with pain as tears sat in the far corners of her eyes. I just stared at her sadly. I can't imagine her pain, I want to do something for her. Ugh, just do it Gray, make her happy!

Gray: *flustered "Why don't we... take one... together then?"

I stared at her with warm cheeks and determined eyes. She stared wide-eyed at me and then her face turned a dark shade of red and she started freaking out.

Juvia: *flustered "Whaaaa?! No, no, it's fine love. We don't have to do that, really I don't need to bathe right now. The pain is nothing."

I could tell she was lying, her body was slightly shaking from the pain. I took her hands in mine as I was still knelt in front of her.

Gray: "Juvia, I want to help and I don't care what that takes. This will be good, I can wash you're wounds a little. Steven said I would need to, so... so let's go."

I stood her up and she was just staring at me in shock. She then started crying, which hurt to see, and she then smiled nodding. I carefully walked her into my bedroom and sat her on the bed.

Gray: "Let me go start the bath."

She nodded as she continued to cry, wiping her tears. I went into my bathroom and started the bath. Once it was full, I came back into my room to see her staring off to space with a sad look. I knelt down in front of her again and took my coat off throwing it on a chair in the corner of the room. 

I slowly took her coat off, gently as she maneuvered her arms out. It pained her as we did so, she was wearing a long sleeve under that. My faced heated up and I quickly got up to get her a towel, I held it to her as I then took her long sleeve off. He whole body was wrapped in bandages so I started to undue them at her fingers.


Hey a little AU for you, I made Gray's home kind of vague so that you guys could just imagine whatever you wanted it to look like. 

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