Chapter 71

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Juvia's POV:

I awoke in a bed, I'm back in the cabin?! 

Gray: "Good you're finally awake."

Gray entered the room with a cute woolen sweater on and black sweat pants. 

Juvia: "Gray? What happened, I defeated that woman and then I don't remember what happened."

Gray: "You scarred the shit out of me."

He sat down on the bed and took my hand.

Gray: "You finished my quest so thanks, but don't ever do that again. Not in this condition."

Juvia: "I had to rescue you!~"

Gray stood up and faced toward the door.

Gray: *flustered "Still, don't. *clears throat  Also you should get dressed, so we can eat."

I looked down and I was only in a bra and underwear. He must have rewrapped me. I giggled and he left the room. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a white t-shirt, a new light blue woolen sweater with snowflakes as the pattern, and dark blue sweat pants.

I got dressed and put my hair up in a ponytail. I left the room and it was lit with tons of candles with the coffee table covered in food and presents! It was romantic and cozy, it was perfect!

Gray stood in front of me, blushing madly while rubbing the back of his neck.

Gray: *flustered "I... don't know how to do romance but... I think candle light dinner and gifts is something like that."

I jumped on him and he spun me around. When we stopped I kissed all over his face while he giggled.

Gray: *giggle "Okay, okay, I'm guessing you like it."

Juvia: "Like it, I love it! You are wonderfully romantic!"

He closed the gap between us and our lips moved in passion. Everything was perfect, he was perfect. How many times can I say this is perfect?!

I waited so long for this! I thought everything with my past would ruin us, but it didn't. My love never wavered and he loves me now! 

I released our kiss for air. Gray stared at me lovingly before bringing me over to the coffee table. I sat down on a pillow on the ground while Gray walked over to the other side. We spent the whole evening talking and laughing. It was amazing!

Next day evening...

We had mostly spent the day curled up together watching the snow, it was cozy and I loved being cuddled into my darling. Eventually Gray broke our coziness to go to the winter festival in town. He got ready in a black shirt, grey jacket, black pants, the scarf I knitted him, and black boots. I decided to try a new outfit the girls got me; I wore a dark blue pea coat with a hood that has white fluff along the ends of the sleeves and inside the coat, a white long skirt with the slits on the sides, some white leggings, and dark blue boots. I kept my hair down and had the hood to the coat up.

I came out after getting dressed and Gray held his arm out to me which I gladly took.

Gray: "You look amazing."

Juvia: *giggle "Thank you, that is a very pretty scarf you have."

Gray: "You think so, it was a gift from a stalker."

I pouted at him which made him laugh. We had finally made it to the town and it was so pretty! There were stalls everywhere in the small main street with all the shops and restaurants open. They had snowflake décor everywhere and there were more of the blue flowers as well.

We went all over to different stalls, we got crepes and some pretty ornaments, we had steak skewers and matching sweaters! Everything was so much fun and delicious. 

As the night ended, Gray took me to a secluded spot surrounded by the blue flowers.

Gray: "So what did you think?"

Juvia: "It was amazing! I loved it, did you?"

Gray: "Every moment with you is amazing."

My face heated up, even though my love is awkward at times, he has a way with words and with style.

Gray: "How are you feeling, any pain?"

Juvia: "Well, just a little bit. My leg and side are starting to hurt."

Gray: "Then we should get back."

Juvia: "But--"

Before I could finish my words, Gray literally swept me off my feet. He held me bridal style while I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held our shopping bags under me. He brought me close to his face and kissed me, AGAIN! Every time he kisses me it feels like a dream, everything slows and I melt into the moment. He releases the kiss and gives me a small one on my nose,

Gray: "No buts, if your in pain then we need to go back. Let's get back and get some rest."

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