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𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱, 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐚📍 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝟓𝐀𝐌

Today was the day of my concert in los angeles and today my brother will be coming.

I'm so excited because sevyn will be here and this the first concert my brother been to of me performing.

"baby i got a surprise for you today but you can't see". darius said.

"surpriseee?? what is it??" i said putting on my skin care.

"it's a suprise i can't tell you duh". he said in the shower.

"tell me plsss". i washed my face.





"no girl damn". he said laughing.

"mannn". i dragged.

I hate surprises and he knows that like just tell me what you scared or sum?

After we both took our showers we got dressed so we can eat before the drivers come and we wouldn't be hungry.

Darius quickly whipped us up pancakes and bacon with apple juice.

After we ate we packed our bags and made sure everything was good and turned on the house alarm and made sure the guards was good.

As we left out darius went back inside to get something but i was still a little tired so i got in the car as the driver opened the door for me.

After darius walked out he locked the door and held something behind his back but ian pay attention too tired.

I took a car nap but woke up in the jet.

I'm guessing darius carried me in here cause he was sleep with his arms wrapped around me.

I just fell asleep to kill time.

I was woken up by darius like always.

But this time he was being extra nice and was hiding sum but ain mind as long as it ain't no chick he hiding.

After we got off the plane we was put into a long black limo while paparazzi was there but this time they was annoying.

I saw my family already in the car and i was so happy.

"Brysonnn, Sevynn you made ittt". i hugged them both.

"tete my daddy say ur a singer now and ur poppin". sevyn said.

"i ammm". i said smiling.

"my daddy play your music everyda- alright na girl that's enough". bryson cut sevyn off causing everybody to laugh.

The car ride on the way to the stadium  was just full of laughs and talks.

Once we made it to the stadium it was packed
fullness kof paparazzi and security everywhere.

"I LOVE YOU ELLA SIANN". i head someone yell.
" zeN
You To". i yelled back causing them to scream of joy.we

Once we made it inside my family was escorted to the back room while i made it to the makeup room.

While the makeup artist was doing my makeup she kept talking nonstop.

She probably was just a fan of me or something cause every question got personal.

Once she finished my makeup she took a couple pictures but ian mind.

After my makeup was finished i got dressed by the clothing dresser and darius and my family came in.

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