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𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱, 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐚
𝐎𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐯

Ever since blasian found out about the package that was left outside her front door, she worried about her safety.

Even though she just moved into her new renovated home 8 months ago she wanted to move for multiple reasons.

For one, she didn't know who sunt the package, she didn't know why would anyone UNKNOWN send her something like that, and why would darius have anything to do with her.

Sighing, the girl laid back onto her chair and began writing for a new song.

The song she was writing wasn't dedicated to nobody so if you felt like it was to you or can relate, that's you.

About 10 minutes into her writing the girl felt a vibrate from her phone but she shrugged it off not wanting to be bothered right now.

The phone then started to blow up so she just had to check to see what it was and noticed it was from instagram.

The noises was coming from someone constantly texting her from an unknown account and she didn't have time to put up with the mess so she just turnt on do not disturb.

She decided to just order some food for herself before taking a small quick nap.


Blasian was then awoken by her doorbell being rung multiple times.

After a couple groaning blasian finally was awoken as she got up and went to her door.

Once she opened the door darius carried her food inside after greeting .

" hey b you ain't see me calling you" Darius asked his lover placing her food onto the couch.

"i don't think so, i just woke up and my phone was on dnd" blasian answered rubbing her eyes before sitting down as darius nodded.

As much as Blasian wanted to sleep she decided to go take a freshen up shower.

"you can place my food in the microwave? i'm going to take a quick shower" Blasian asked the taller giving him a peck.

"alright baby" Darius said turning on a movie on netflix.

Blasian then went upstairs to collect her clothes to take a relief shower.

Mixed signals went through the girls head and she didn't know why. She wanted to know why would she be getting these threats if the only thing she did was be a singer and nothing else. She never hurt anyone or wanted to and that questioned her brain a lot.

She sighed walking into the main bathroom turning on the shower to medium hot.

As she undressed she stepped into the shower drowsy , she didn't know why so she used all her energy to cleanse herself.

After she was done washing herself for about 3 times with steaming water she got out and out on her pajamas.

Once she finished with that she got in bed in laid down. The girl had forgot all about her food and was too tired to eat.

Darius then walked into her room a little later and took off his shoes and placed his essentials onto the dresser before laying next to his lover. It was much easier for blasian to sleep now with her lover.


Guys i know this was short i just never updated this book yet and i found out it handier 1.5k reads !! THANK YOU! and a small reminder to VOTE IT HELPS A LOt if this book get 10 votes i'll update next chapter !

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