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"Princess, are you in there?"

The sound of his footsteps striding towards the bathroom door made my heart race. Shit. Panic shot through me and I instinctively tossed the test strip into the wastebasket just as the bathroom door opened.

"There you are."

And there he was; a well-groomed version of my boyfriend standing in my doorway and looking nothing short of edible in those cargo pants and a black t-shirt.

Hiding my shock, I managed to force a smile. "Y-you're early."

"I know, I couldn't wait a second without seeing you." His arms spread open for a hug. "Come here, princess." he urged, impervious to the cutting tension his presence caused but I didn't let it stop me from hurrying towards him and stepping into his warm and solid embrace.

"God, I missed you." He groaned, his arms wrapping me. "So much."

"I missed you too," I mumbled and pressed my cheek to his chest whilst grappling with the storm inside me. "More than you can imagine."

"There were so many times I contemplated ditching work and driving over to get you." He kissed my hair. "It's official, I'm so addicted I can't function a night without you."

The way he said those words with so much longing and heat made warmth instantly fill my belly. He squeezed me and kissed me again and I smiled. I didn't want to break away. His presence felt like a balm to my soul. I leaned further into his embrace, craving the comfort he offered.

Leaning back, he looked down at me. "Something's off."

"What?" I asked softly.

Still looking down, he raked me with an accessing glance which made me nervous because just like my mum, Tristan could easily see through me.

"Stop looking at me like that." I chuckled nervously and turned away. "It's weird."

"You smell like bad decisions," he brushed a strand of hair away from my face. "What did you do while I was away?"


Panic surged through me. I hadn't mentioned anything about spending the previous night drinking with Xavier to him and now his question felt like a haunting reminder of the secret I was keeping.

"I drank," I admitted softly. "A lot."

His brows crinkled and he stared at me with a curious expression crossing his beautiful face. "Why?"

"Because it's my last night in Australia and I wanted to be a little naughty." It was a terrible lie and the guilt of it clung to my words like a shroud. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pushed up on my tiptoe so my lips brushed against his when I said. "I'm sorry for not telling you."

His reply was a deep groan. His hand on my back slid down the curve of my ass and he tugged me even closer, closing what little gap we had left. "Can't stay mad at you when you're so close like this."

I bit my lip, knowing where he was going with this and needing it. "Thanks, baby." I nibbled his bottom lip. "I knew you would understand."

His nostrils flared. "Fuck." Then he kissed me and I kissed him back, letting go of all my worries and confusion. It was always so easy to lose myself with him. I threaded my hand into his hair and tugged at it, pulling him in deeper. He hummed deep in his throat, moving us until my back was against the counter.

"Fuck, It's too early for this." He breathed, lifting me up to place me on the counter. "I can't be sporting a boner while having breakfast with my mother-in-law."

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