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The drive home felt like I was drifting through a dense fog—not the kind that clouds your vision, but the kind that invades your mind, wrapping tight around your heart until you can barely breathe.

The anger and frustration that had fueled me earlier had long since extinguished, leaving only the raw embers of guilt smoldering deep within.

Every time I closed my eyes to think, I saw Stefan's face. I saw the stunned expression, the way his eyes flared with hurt and betrayal for the briefest moment before he shut it down and forced it behind that icy mask of indifference he wore so well.

He didn't deserve that. He was only trying to help, trying to get me to see what I was too afraid to face. But instead of listening, I gutted him with words I couldn't take back, words that were ugly, cruel, and jagged in their delivery.

God, why was I like this? Why did I always sabotage the people who tried to care? It was as if I had a self-destruct button, and I couldn't stop pressing it whenever someone got too close. And Stefan... he was always too close, too good at peeling back my defenses and seeing right through me with nothing but a look. That was part of why I hated him so much in that moment—because he was right, and I knew it.

What if Sienna did want kids someday? What if, one day, she did come to me, telling me she was pregnant? Could I really shut down the way I had now? Could I tell her to end it like it was some minor inconvenience? Could I even live with that decision?

The thought coiled tight in my stomach, a heavy, sickening knot I couldn't ignore.

I had always been so sure that kids were never part of the plan. It was a decision I made long ago, a part of the future I thought I wanted. But now, with Sienna, everything felt... different. Uncertain.

She was changing the way I saw things, cracking open possibilities I never wanted to consider before. It scared the living daylight out of me.

By the time I pulled up to the house, the weight of it all hung over me like a storm cloud, heavy and ominous. I pushed through the foyer and tossed my keys on the entry table, not even caring to acknowledge Keith as he bounded over to greet me.

"Let Sienna know we leave in ten," I instructed, heading to the bar for a neat shot of whiskey.

"Yes sir." He responded, following behind. "There's something I think you should know, sir."

I stopped and turned. "What's that?"

He hesitated for a moment, his brow furrowing slightly.

"What's that, Keith? Spit it out."

"I just thought you should know that Mrs. Larsen was down a few minutes ago, and... she didn't look too well, Sir."

That one sentence made my gut clench with unease. My brows creased. "What do you mean she didn't look well?"

"She seemed pale, sir. A bit out of sorts," he spoke carefully. "But she insisted she was fine when I asked."

Worry gnawed at me, mixing with everything else I was feeling. Dismissing Keith with a curt nod, I bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I knew she was upset, but the idea that she was unwell on top of everything else made my heart race.

When I reached our bedroom, I paused at the door. It was unlocked. A small mercy. I pushed it open slowly, half-expecting to find Sienna curled up in bed, looking weak and frail, but she stood in front of the full-length mirror, her back to me, wrestling with the zipper of an infuriatingly beautiful deep red dress that clung to her like it had been painted on.

The sight of her stole my breath, and for a moment, I could only watch, utterly captivated. I had a beautiful wife. She was like a vision that had been sculpted with impossible perfection. Those curves... it looked like they'd been poured into the dress by an Italian sculptor with far too much attention to detail. And her ass—it sat round and perfect, making my cock twitch.

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