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(One decently sized time skip later)
My head perked up from where I was hanging when the light that concealed me turned on.
Originally, I had crawled behind the big studio light to avoid conversation with the others. While they all seemed sweet in their own way, I didn't take a particular liking to anyone I had met so far.

Peni Parker was the youngest and probably the friendliest too, however this prooved to be annoying when she persistently nattered on to us all like we had known her for years.

Porky Parker was just weird. That was clear and there was no other way to put it. I would even go as far to say I despised the creature. He made a mockery of us all.

The black and white dude wasn't actually that bad. But he definitely believed in reviving chivalry. I've never been a feminist but I didn't like the way he spoke down to me, I guess it didn't help he was from the 1930s or whenever.

I didn't dare move a muscle, not even turning around to see the new group, instead staying put and listening to their awestruck murmurs.

"Hey Peter." My ears pricked as one of them called the other over. Finally giving in to my curiosity, I crawled around. A Peter I was far more familiar with held a picture of well... sort of me, loosely in his hand. He set it down when the younger unfamiliar boy called him.

"I think this is a cape." He pointed at one of the suits.

"Peter knew how dangerous the job was." Aunt may repeated words she had told me when I first found the strange group. "But he figured the only one who could stop this guy was spiderman." I didn't have to look again to know who she was talking about. "King pin knows we're coming." The younger boy told her. "We're going to be outnumbered."

"Don't be so sure." My breath hitched in my throat when I realised I would have to re introduce myself again. I didn't have anxiety or anything, just really hated the awkwardness of meeting someone new.

"You might need these." I peered back around the corner of the light sheepishly, watching her hand out pens and familiar, 'hello my name is.' Stickers. I briefly looked down at my own. 'Mary Jane' lazily sprawled across it. I had believed my surname wouldn't be a necessary detail.

Eventually the group turned around at the realisation there were others. "You think you're the only people who thought to come here?"

Luckily, no one's attention was on me yet, as the black and white dude began to introduce himself. "Hey fellas." He tipped his hat off toward them, trench coat flapping in the wind. "Is he in black and white?" One of the new spider people asked. "Where's the wind coming from? We're in a basement." "Wherever I go, the wind follows. And the wind, it smells like rain." He told them dramatically.

"Hi guys!" Penni drew everyone's attention to her as she flipped to the floor, saying something in Japanese. "This could literally not get any weirder." Peter mumbled and I sighed, knowing who would be coming next.

"It can get weirder." The little dressed up pig announced, trotting forward and offering Peter an oversized wet hand. "I washed my hands. That's why they're wet. No other reason."
Finally, I lowered myself down gracefully on my web. Feet making a dainty sound as they planted on the ground. "Heyy everyone." I smiled awkwardly and peters head cocked to the side.

"Mj? Mj Watson?" My eyebrows furrowed at this and I shook my head. "Mj (Y/L/N), Peter." I reminded him. My eyes caught sight of the spiderman suit he concealed with his trench coat and the strange feeling came back again.

The amazing Mary-Jane: into the spider-verse (Peter B Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now