The next step.

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I watched curiously, standing beside Peter B Parker as black and white Peter continued to guess the colours on a Rubik's cube.

Peter was a considerable amount taller than me, so it was noticeable to him when I looked up.
I had never seen him in a spider suit before. Sure he had jeered about trying mine on but it wasn't the same, figuratively and literally.

His suit was slightly different to mine, it had no webbing in-between his arms and sides and the imprinted black lines didn't curve to amplify the shape of his body like my navy blue ones did. Eventually he looked down at me, smiling. While I was frustrated there was never time for us to be alone, this wasn't half bad either.

I returned the gesture and in response he unfolded one of his arms and wrapped it around my waist.

I looked away, clearly flustered. The red on my face burnt like a wildfire and I resorted to staring at our feet and fiddling with one of my curls.

I could feel him gently do the same. Picking apart a ringlet and running his finger around the spiral it made. After a short pause he leaned closer to me. He took a moment to whisper, "you smell like my Mary, strawberries."

I turned my head slightly, quirking an eyebrow. before making eye contact. "Wow, MJ Watson knew her stuff huh?" I leaned even closer, our faces only slightly apart, my red hair creating a little space where only we could see each other.

"I'm not her." I whispered, still looking up at him. He sighed, "but you are..." "Your not him." I told myself more than him and he nodded. "Your right, I'm perfect for you."

I didn't know what to do, my mind raced and butterflies scattered throughout my tummy. Eventually, he leaned in and our noses lightly bumped into each other, but before anything I could have hoped for happened, someone intentionally cleared their throat from behind us.

Groaning, I slowly turned around, brushing the hair out of my face as I did. Gwen deadpanned at us, before pointing towards Penni.

The little girl was stood in the doorway, delicate hands clinging on to her creation. With a big smile on her face, she handed the necklace to me and I carefully observed it before putting it on my neck. The little black, spider logo imprinted, usb was the key to everyone's home.

"Has anyone heard from miles?" Gwen asked the group, her face riddled with concern. "He's probably just clearing his head." Peter spoke up, "look I know the kid, he's got what it takes. I bet you he's gonna come back through that door, recharged and ready to fight." As if he had summoned him, miles came through the door. He was in peters blindspot, so I took it as my job to make him aware by pointing.

"My uncle." Miles panted, clearly panicked. "Hey, where have you been?" Peter tried to ask but he was impatient to tell us whatever news troubled him. "My uncle Aaron, he's the prowler." Miles blurted out and I took a step forward, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Wow, slow down miles." "He works for King pin! He tried to kill me!" He continued to rant and I turned back to the rest of the group.

"This is a pretty hardcore origin story." Black and white peter thought out loud and I slowly looked back at miles. "It's okay, it's okay we'll figure it out." I smiled before Gwen pushed past me.

"Where you followed?" She asked urgently. "No, I don't think so." Miles murmured, clearly unsure.

Instantly after he uttered the words, my sixth sense came to life and I plastered on my eye mask, though it wasn't really necessary. The doorknob began to rattle and my eyes were opened wide.

The amazing Mary-Jane: into the spider-verse (Peter B Parker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now