The end?

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Tw: this chapter contains brief mentions of miscarriage.
The group of us had gathered outside of mile's dorm room when a book whizzed outside the window.

Peter took the opportunity to grab the book and fling it back in, without bothering to look through its contents.

Instead I took the opportunity to crawl through the window, creeping forward with everyone else trailing behind. When Peter got to him first Miles turned away. "Hey bud." Peter addressed him and he took his time to wipe his puffy eyes and look up at us.

The swollen muscles around my eye twitched in pain as I looked around the room.

The dorm was cramped and I couldn't help notice the lack of a roommate, despite the metallic bunk beds that bulked out of a corner.

"You okay?" Miles took a deep breath and I looked between him and Peter, eyes filled with concern. Peter looked back at me, throwing a 'the hell am I supposed to do with him' look my way, but I folded my arms and peeled off my mask from my eyes, revealing the emerging purple bruise.

Peter looked to miles again and placed a heavy hand on his shoulder. "We've all been there. For me.." he sighed. "For me it was my Uncle Ben."

Peter shared and I nodded along, joining him in placing a hand on Miles. "For me, it was my unborn child." I didn't dare look up at anyone but miles as I said it. I could feel Peter's sorrowful gaze but ignored it.

"For me it was my uncle Benjamin."
"For me, it was my father."
"For me it was my best friend."

"Miles," porky began and I made a quick moment of eye contact with Peter before fully shifting my stare to the pig. "The hardest thing about this job is... you can't always save everybody."

"Look it was my fault. You wouldn't understand." He murmured and I squeezed his shoulder another time. "Miles were probably the only ones who do understand." Gwen told him.

Suddenly the lock on the door clicked and my eyes shot wide open. "Oh no." Someone squeaked before we all leapt into a big spider-pile on the ceiling, moving as one to try and avoid Miles' roommate's line of site.

Peter had plastered himself next to me and took the opportunity to ask me about what I had said earlier. "I thought you said you didn't want kids." He whispered closely into my ear.

I shook my head sorrowfully. "You could say that. The heartache of loosing one isn't worth it." I didn't need to look at him to know he was speechless.

We both weren't paying attention when the guy spotted us. "Hey there." Miles tried. "Do animals talk in this dimension? I don't want to freak him out." Porky asked black and white Peter and in response Miles' roommate just fainted. Actions speak louder than words I guess.

While Miles busied himself tucking the poor guy into bed, everyone else took the opportunity to leave. I myself was perched on the windowsill when Miles looked up. Peter was the only one still in the room with the teenagers.

"What's going on." Miles asked me as fixed my eye mask into place. "Bye Miles." I nodded to him before crawling below the pane and out of site, just like the others.

"Miles, I came to say goodbye." Peter began and a  familiar lump of sadness and guilt formed in all of our throats. "We can say goodbye at the collider." I could hear Miles remind him, so oblivious.

"Your not getting it. Your staying here." Peter tried to explain. "I need tot be there. So you can all go home." "They are going home, Miles. I'm the only one stayin'." A small silence temporarily spilled out of the room.

"Your taking my place? If you stay here, you'll die." "I'm doing what needs to be done." I felt like he was also telling himself that as he said it. "I just wanted you to hear it from me."

"What about Mj?" My ears pricked at the mention of my name. "Your just going to send her home, never see her again. Don't you love her?" I waited almost on edge for his reply. "Not everything works out, kid."

I silently nodded to myself, ignoring the fresh tears that began to pave their way across my flush cheeks. He may not be my Peter but he was perfect for me.

"I need the goober. Please don't make me take it from you." Miles immediately turned to outburst, "that's not fair! You gotta tell them I can do this." I tried my hardest to keep my quick sniffles silent.

"It wasn't their decision." "I gotta make King pin pay! You have to let me make him pay!" Miles raised his voice.

"Miles your gonna get yourself killed." "But I'm ready. I promise!" The was a grunt and cry of surprise. I could only assume Peter had swept him off of his feet by the bump that followed shortly after.

"Then venom-strike me right now. Or turn invisible on command so you can get past me." When nothing happened my eyes drifted to the drop below me, saddened.

"Look I know how much you wanted this, kid."
"Poor little guy." Black and white Peter grumbled from above me.

"But you don't have it yet." For a moment all that could be heard was the sound of the subtle breeze being cut into by launching webs. "I'm sorry." Peter said, his voice getting closer to us.

"When will I know I'm ready?" Miles asked his final question. "You won't. It's a leap of faith. That's all it is miles. A leap of faith."

Peter's feet dangled down from the sill and almost kicked me. I let it go though. It really wasn't the time to jeer or tease anymore.

Finally Peter pulled on his mask and swung into the distance. I followed soon after, too visibly upset to dare to look back at miles.
Hey guys!
Sorry for the speed of the romance, I get it's going slow but there's been no particular time for you and Peter to be alone yet. As well as this, even though Peter is definitely the type for you, people don't get close just like that.

Since we're coming closer to the end of the first movie I just wanted to let you know there will be spoilers for the second one. I'm going to write a quick page for A/N's in the space in between movies  just to catch you up in my thoughts, and how I feel the next part of plot should go.

When it pops up, please feel free to leave your thoughts, ideas and suggestions on this page, it's great for inspo and will help me decide the roll I want you to play in across the spider verse.

Anyways thanks for reading, love ya guys! :))

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