Chapter 5: Unexpected Encounters

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The sun cast a warm glow over Sweet Heaven Academy as another day began. Amber, clad in her crisp school uniform, stood before her dorm room mirror, putting the finishing touches on her look. She adjusted her tie and smoothed out her skirt, the soft pink hues of her outfit contrasting with her platinum blonde hair. Satisfied with her appearance, she headed to the living room of the dorm where she was met with an unexpected sight – Lucian.

"Nice to see you eating breakfast this time," Lucian's sardonic tone cut through the air as he lounged on one of the couches, his gaze fixed on Amber.

Amber's cheeks flushed slightly as she hesitated, unsure of how to respond to his comment. She cleared her throat and finally managed to muster a response. "Yeah, well, yesterday was a bit of a mess. I'm sorry you had to see that."

Lucian's lips curved into a mocking smile as he leaned back further into the couch. "Apology accepted, I guess. Just try to keep your bodily functions in check today."

Amber rolled her eyes, a mixture of exasperation and amusement dancing in her light blue gaze. "I'll do my best. Thanks for the concern."

With a scoff, Lucian waved his hand dismissively. "Don't mention it. You're a real gem when you're hungover."

Taking a deep breath, Amber decided to change the subject, hoping to steer their conversation away from the usual snark. "Speaking of breakfast, are you hungry? I'm about to grab something to eat. Want to join?"

Lucian's brows furrowed slightly, as if caught off guard by her offer. "Why not? Might as well make sure you don't end up heaving again."

Amber stifled a chuckle at his reluctant agreement. They headed to the kitchenette area of the dorm and Amber quickly prepared a simple yet satisfying breakfast. As they sat down at the small dining table, Amber couldn't help but feel a mixture of awkwardness and curiosity.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday," she began again, her voice softer this time. "I didn't mean for you to see me like that."

Lucian took a sip of his drink before responding, his gaze meeting hers briefly. "Don't worry about it. It's not like I haven't seen worse. And hey, if nothing else, at least you're human enough to have a hangover."

Amber raised an eyebrow, a playful grin tugging at her lips. "Oh, so that's your secret? You're immune to hangovers?"

A ghost of a smirk played on Lucian's lips. "Let's just say my tolerance is higher than most."

Their conversation flowed into less tense territory as they discussed mundane topics – school, the weather, and even some of the odd rumors circulating around the academy. It was a side of Lucian that Amber hadn't seen before, one that was less guarded and surprisingly engaging.

Once their plates were cleared, Amber rose from her seat. "Well, thanks for breakfast. I should head out now."

Lucian's reply was a casual nod as he leaned back, his eyes locking onto hers. "See you around, I guess."

As Amber left the dorm, she couldn't shake the strange feeling that had settled within her. She knew that beneath Lucian's aloof exterior was a complexity she had yet to fully understand.

Amber stepped out of the Archangel dorms building, the gentle morning breeze rustling her platinum blonde waves. As she made her way towards the academy's coffee shop, her thoughts were still lingering on the breakfast encounter with Lucian. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind and focus on her day ahead.

Lost in her thoughts, she rounded a corner and nearly collided with someone. A sudden "oops" escaped her lips as her gaze met a pair of striking green eyes framed by a cascade of dark hair. Before her stood Nathaniel Chase, the son of Archangel Raphael. His sculpted abs and toned arms were visible even beneath his school uniform, and his freckles added a touch of boyish charm to his striking features.

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