Chapter 15: Night of Enchantment

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Amber's heart fluttered like a thousand butterflies as she swayed in Nate's arms on the dance floor. His hands rested gently on her waist, their bodies moving together in perfect synchronization. The soft strains of music surrounded them, enveloping them in a world of their own.

As they danced, Amber's eyes met Nate's, and she couldn't help but smile. She felt a deep sense of contentment, a feeling she had never experienced before. Every touch, every glance was filled with the warmth of their connection, and she cherished each moment they shared.

However, amidst the blissful dance, Amber's gaze flickered to the corner of the room, where Lucian stood watching. She tried to dismiss the prickling sensation that his intense stare evoked, focusing instead on the love she felt for Nate.

When the first song ended and the next one began, Amber was surprised when Lucian approached them. His presence was unexpected, and she felt a mix of confusion and discomfort. Nate, always considerate, asked her if she was okay with it.

"It's fine, Nate," Amber reassured him, offering a smile. She appreciated his concern but didn't want to appear possessive or controlling.

Nate gave her a quick peck on the lips before handing her over to Lucian, and Amber's heart skipped a beat at their closeness. As Lucian's hand gently found its place on her waist, Amber tried to ignore the electric jolt that his touch sent through her. She reminded herself that this was just a dance, a fleeting moment, and her heart belonged to Nate.

"Hello there, Cinderella," Lucian drawled with a smirk, his voice dripping with his trademark sarcasm.

Amber rolled her eyes playfully, trying to regain her composure. "Don't you have a glass slipper to find?"

Lucian chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "Maybe I prefer leather boots."

As they moved to the rhythm of the music, Amber couldn't help but notice the change in dynamic. Lucian's dancing style was different from Nate's; it was bold, confident, and a little reckless. She felt herself being pulled into his world, even if just for a dance.

Their eyes locked for a brief moment, and Amber saw a flicker of something in Lucian's gaze. Was it vulnerability? Or was she reading too much into it? She quickly looked away, focusing on the music and the sensations coursing through her body.

As Lucian and Amber continued to dance, Amber found herself battling an inner conflict. Lucian's presence was magnetic, and she couldn't help but notice the toned muscles beneath his suit. His arms around her sent a surge of warmth through her body, and she struggled to keep her focus on the dance.

"So, Princess," Lucian began, breaking the silence between them, "I have to admit, I expected you to be a pretty terrible roommate. But turns out, you're not half bad."

Amber chuckled, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Well, I suppose I could say the same about you. You're not as insufferable as I thought you'd be."

Lucian raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Oh, I'm sure I have my moments."

Amber laughed again, finding herself unexpectedly comfortable in his company. The music swirled around them, creating a bubble of intimacy that allowed them to converse freely, as if they were the only two people in the room.

"You know, I'm glad we're not at each other's throats all the time," Amber admitted, her voice soft.

Lucian's gaze softened, his sarcastic façade momentarily fading. "Yeah, me too. It's nice to have some peace, for a change."

Amber nodded in agreement. "Peace is underrated."

As the song continued, their conversation deepened, exploring topics that they had never touched upon before. They talked about their families, their dreams, and the challenges they faced as nephilim. It was as if the dance had created a safe space for them to open up to each other in ways they couldn't outside of that moment.

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