90 Seconds

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Credits to @/bellato on ao3


It was a normal and almost boring day until Karina decided to ask Winter to do some shopping. Not that they need more clothes or anything, it's like a thing Karina does to at least be able to feel a bit like a normal person again after debuting under such a big entertainment company like SM. She needed it to hold her ground, the same way her members were to her. The things she can hold on to remind her that she may be big onstage, but she can be who she is with them. And shopping is something Rina, a nickname Winter gave to her which she feels describes her a lot, would do. Winter, as much as she likes to lie around all day, enjoys shopping with Karina just as much. She's hanging out with her best friend after all.

They were lounging through aisles until somehow they were at the gadgets section. Winter saw this particular camera that enamored her. It was merely a camera bag that had small childish designs but it made Karina want it more.

"Karina, I want this." Winter smiles and points her finger to the camera bag like a 10-year-old kid asking for candy.

"But you already have a lot at home, do you really need another one?"

"But Rina it's so cute look!" Winter put the bag on and was amazed. She puts her arms up and poses as if she's in a photoshoot.

Karina can only giggle at what the younger one is doing just so she can convince Karina that the bag is something she needs to have.

"Win you really like useless things." Winter pouts and Karina only laughs at her. "Let's go somewhere else and actually buy stuff that we need."

Winter can only look back sadly at the bag cause she knows that what Karina said makes sense. She has a lot of camera bags back home, but it's okay. And so for the rest of the day, they continued shopping til they got tired and went home.

Winter went back to her room to clean up and take away the things they bought when she heard a knock on her room.

"Come in."


"Oh hi Rina, why aren't you washing up yet?"

"I came here to give you this." Karina gives Winter a small wrapped box.

"What is it?"

Karina only fiddles around with her fingers as she looks down and smiles shyly.

"Open it, I'll go ahead and wash up." And Karina left Winter alone with the package.

Winter unwraps the box as fast as she can like a kid opening her Christmas present. She was surprised when she saw the camera bag she wanted a while ago.

So, she bought it for me?

She can feel her lips forming into a big smile and somehow her heart is slowly starting to thump so much it's almost choking her.

Well, that's a first, maybe I need to get a checkup?

That night, Winter fell asleep while admiring the cutest camera bag from the cutest girl who was lying on the bed beside her.


Morning came and luckily enough they had no schedule for the day. Ningning woke up early from hunger and decided to toast some bread with Giselle watching her to make sure she didn't burn the kitchen down. After finally eating enough, she went to Winter's room fully knowing that Karina was there too. Ningning had to stop when she peeked inside the room and saw Winter with flushed cheeks staring at a sleeping Karina. Ningning rethinks about going inside to bother them or if she should just observe why her unnie is acting like Karina's the only interesting thing inside the room. She's used to seeing Winter play games on her phone as she wakes up so her eyebrows raise at the situation. She decides to leave them be since waking Karina up is kind of hell too.

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