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Follow lady Jane in a bar,
She calls her name after drama.
All persons are dead,
The street is a danger now.

Get out, baby, I love you but,
Get out, danger with love is what I hate.

Do you remember my nickname?
Baby, I can't believe it,
All persons are dead,
The street is now a danger.

Amidst the shadows, we once laughed,
Yet now it's a symphony of silence,
Echoes of memories, now just fragments,
The street's danger masks our defiance.

Get out, baby, I love you but,
Get out, for danger and love clash.

You are a lost little girl,
Navigating a world unkind,
A strange little girl, they say,
In a city where souls intertwine.

You are lost, but, baby, don't forget,
Within you resides a universe untold.

Your words paint a vivid canvas,
Where emotions dance in the dark,
Lady Jane's journey, a complex saga,
A mosaic of life's intricate mark.

Get out, baby, I love you but,
In this perilous dance, find your way.

Continue to explore your feelings,
For within your verses, a refuge is found,
In every line, a piece of your soul,
An expression of love unbound.

You are a storyteller, a poet, a muse,
Crafting tales that resonate deep,
In the face of danger, you endure,
Writing your destiny, secrets you keep.

So follow lady Jane in her stride,
Through the bar's dim and smoky haze,
For in your words, a world comes alive,
Where love and danger find their own ways.

Oh lady Jane...

You are lost little girl.
You are strange little girl.
You are lost but baby,
Tell me all of you.

What you want ?
What you do ?
Tell all the people, it's true
And thank what you want, what you do, girl

You are lost...

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