Chapter 151-155

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Chapter 151
  Why pinch, deal with it! You can't kill someone in front of so many people. That way, I'm afraid it will scare some timid people into nightmares.

  Song Nuanxia was like this, watching a group of people being escorted away. He closed the window calmly, and met Lu Zhan's playful gaze.

  "Well, it's dangerous outside just now."

  "So Song Nv Xia came to help"

  "Yeah, it's not because of their mental state. If they are some poor people, I might not mind their own business."

  Lu Zhan nodded , did not speak. Glancing at the phone, seeing that it was still early, she asked Song Nuanxia to continue resting.

  Get out of the car and stretch yourself, move your hands and feet. After asking about the next plan, I got into the car again, closed my eyes and took a nap.

  Outside the window, a group of people couldn't sleep. Knowing the cause and effect, they were silent.

  Unexpectedly, the hardships and hardships that many people think are the beautiful life that many people can only dream of.

  But who can I blame? Obviously, the official has notified in advance. It can only be said that time is fate.

  It was already an hour later when the calm returned. At this time, it was past four o'clock, and in less than an hour, we had to go to clear the obstacles.

  Everyone lit a fire to cook and had a good meal. Save yourself going on the road later, without physical strength.

  At five o'clock, the wreckers started. When they learned that they were going to walk today, they all showed panic.

  "Captain, isn't it? We didn't say quit! How can we be expelled?"

  The captain of the wrecker team raised his hand to comfort him: "We were not expelled because we were too tired from walking. You also know how far we walked yesterday. They have traveled so many miles in a short period of time that their legs are almost useless. We can't let them fall behind." "

  That can't drive us away, I'm the first one to sign up for cleaning!"

  The leader of the cleaning team couldn't help it. You can only move with emotion and understand with reason. A little soft-hearted, he took the initiative to give up his position. But what's more, it doesn't give up an inch of land.

  Forced to be helpless, the leader of the wrecker team resorted to his trump card: "Think about it for yourself. Entering the base depends on the score, and performance on the road is also one of the indicators." Everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't expect there to be so many twists and turns


  Many people are afraid of bad reviews and choose to give in. But there are still many people who are stubborn, thinking that this is fooling themselves.

  The captain of the wrecking team didn't force it, and asked someone to register the information and send it to the infantry. In exchange for the same amount of lucky goose, he waved his hand and set off.

  In order to detect the road conditions, the wreckers need to start two hours in advance every day. Choose the best route, and clean up the gravel and dirt piles on the road.

  The wreckers left without a sound. It wasn't until after seven o'clock that people in the ordinary convoy woke up one after another. After simple washing, eating and drinking, they sat in the car one by one, waiting for instructions.

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