xvi, xvii

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Parts xvi, xvii
wc: 1.7k
Egos Clashing: 1.1k
A United Front: 548

A/N: Super sick rn but if i can stay home on monday then maybe the final part of the prologue can come out next weekend

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xvi: Egos Clashing

"Begone! Begone! BEGOOOONE!" The monster yells.

The monster was able to take down Deuce. "Bwaahhh!"

[N] gasped and immediately went to Deuce's side. 

"Aw, crap! He's got Loosey-Deuce on the ropes! Not on my watch! Heeyah!" Ace readies up an attack.

The monster roars then takes out Ace with a hit.

"Oof!" Ace had fallen to the ground.

[N] started to get irritated and decided to stand their ground. "Hey! Stop hurting my friends you ass!"

"Myaah! Stay away from me!" Grim hid behind [N]'s leg, breathing out fire in the monster's direction.

The monster growled out again. "Grrrraaaawrrr!"

"It's like nothin's even hurtin' it!" Grim shouted in surprise.

[N] readied their pen to shoot out another attack, but they noticed a sparkle behind the monster.

"Hold on... did you guys just see that sparkle?" [N] asked as they tried to get a good look.

Ace had spoken up. "Behind the monster! There's something sparkling in the mineshaft!"

"Could that have been a magestone?!" Deuce says in disbelief.

The monster growled. "GWWWAAAAAHHHHH! Nooo giiiive yooouu stoooone!"

"[N], we need to book it, and fast! That thing's gonna pound us into tuna paste!" Grim squealed as he held onto [N]'s pant leg.

'It'd be best if we actually came in with a plan. but alas, we didn't expect to be ambushed by a creature in these abandoned mines.'  [N] thought with a sigh.

"Let's retreat for now! We can't defeat this thing without a plan!" [N] says to the other three.

All of them run out of the mines, the monster yelling after them.


"This should be far enough, I think?" Grim said as he tried to catch his breath.

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