xviii, xix, xx

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Parts xviii, xix, xxwc: 3

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Parts xviii, xix, xx
wc: 3.1k
An Endless Hunt: 828
A Lesson Learned: 1.8k
The Prologue Adjourned: 408

A/N: Please read the after chapter notes!

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xviii: An Endless Hunt

The group ran out of the mine and back into the Silent Woods, the monster hot on their trail.

"Are you kiddin' me?! It's still coming! It pushed all that weight!" Ace said as he watched the monster run after them.

The monster started to swipe at them with its pickaxe. "Oooooooogh...! Giiiive it baaaaaaack...!"

"It's too fast! It's about to catch us!" Ace said was sweat dripped down his face.

[N] groaned. "Then it's killed or be killed!"

"Aw, fine! Let's just smash the thing. Try not to wet yourself, Deucy!" Ace said as he pulled out his magical pen.

Deuce nodded. "Same to you, Ace!"

"Why did I agree to this again?" [N] sighed as they took out their magical pen.

Grim huffed. "I'm gonna show ya why they call me Grim the Great!"

"No one calls you that though." [N] said, not missing a beat.

Grim growled, then blew out his blue fire. "Grrraah! No one asked you hench-human!"


Deuce panted as he held his knees.

"Is it... over?" Ace questioned.

Grim smiled. "I think... we won? I think we did it!"

"Hell yeah!" [N] fist pumped the sky.

"All right!" Deuce cheered.

"Woohoo!" Ace said as he wrapped his arm around [N]'s shoulders.

Grim's smile widened. "Gimme a victory high-five!"

Deuce and Ace gave the beast a high five.


[N] sighed in relief, then crossed their arms. "Sharing burdens really does bring people together, huh?"

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