021 | favorite genre

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sato mai

Maybe Ni-ki was right. I am happier than usual. Once you receive a purpose to get through the day, you can feel the weight being removed from your shoulders one by one.

Or maybe it is just me who is optimistic because I have entered a period in my life where I am walking on the right path on the road. After being lost in this maze called fate, I have finally found the right path to walk on.

A new genre has been added to this chapter of my life. It is overwhelming to be thrown into the unknown without any instructions. Imagine waking up alone on a desert island without any food or tools, it's like that. Despite that, it is my new favorite genre.

After being left alone on a desert island without food, tools, instructions, or a survival guide, someone finally found me and rescued me. They say being alone makes you stronger, you understand yourself, and improve your relationship with yourself by gaining more knowledge.

However, even if you are used to being alone, you still appreciate company. Just because I'm often seen by myself doesn't mean I want to be alone. I didn't choose to be alone, I was left alone. People who have been left alone have a habit of lying when it comes to company.

We are lying and saying we prefer to be by ourselves. But the truth is, we are the people who want and need someone beside us the most. We just don't want to admit it.

I met my Dad's eyes as soon as I walked into the meeting room. Instead of sitting at his usual spot in the corner, he sat in the center of the room. A smile lit up his face as he stood up to spread out his arms.

Soon, this will be a part of my daily routine. My house will turn into a home. After an exhausting day at school, I can go home. Instead of looking forward to leaving the house every morning, I'm gonna look forward to coming back home.

"Are there any updates?" I asked as we sat down.

"The custodial managers are still discussing it. It will take time before they have a decision to announce, as well as setting a discharge date" My Dad answered.

"What is the first thing you would like to do after being discharged?" I asked.

"I would love to meet your mother" He answered.

Despite having a smile on his face while answering the question, I couldn't help but notice the anxiousness behind the smile.

"It's been a decade since I last saw her. All the memories with her are still there, but her face and voice have faded. The worst part of being in prison is not missing the outside world. It's forgetting your loved ones. And no one tells you that until you realize it when it's too late" My Dad said.

"How is the outside world these days?" He asked with a smile to light up the mood.

"The outside world is still cruel. Other than that, there is no bigger difference or similarity I would say" I answered.

Knowing the custodial managers might set a date for Dad's discharge makes the world feel less cruel. But just because it's less cruel doesn't mean it's going to be a dance on roses. The rest of the world is going to be furious when they find out my Dad is discharging.

The ideal situation for us would be to change our names and escape the country in order to get the life we want. However, just because it's an ideal situation for me and my Dad doesn't mean it's an ideal situation for my Mom. She needs to stay and we can't leave here alone.

I also can't leave Ni-ki behind me.

"I would also like to meet your friend" My Dad said to tease me.

Your friend. I really like the sound of that.

"It does feel weird to refer to him as my friend. We have never made that clear or said out loud to anyone that we are friends. Do friends even do that or is it just me who is unfamiliar with having friends" I replied with a chuckle.

"Friendships do not need a confirmation with words, it is just something you feel. There are not any criteria you need to check off when it comes to friendships. Friendships are unique and expressed in their own way depending on who you are as a person" My Dad said.

"If the world wasn't so cruel and we were given fair treatment, we would be successful. I imagine you and Mom dancing in the living room while waiting for the dinner to get ready. The table is set for a dinner party with our neighbors" I said.

"It sucks that someone has to draw the shortest straw" I added. 

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