040 | spill it out

209 13 4

nishimura riki 

Being away from Mai and the Royal Castle is the last thing I want to do right now. I'm scared something is going to happen to her when I'm not there to protect her. I won't be gone for too long, but that doesn't mean it's not a risk something is going to happen to her while I'm gone.

I have to pay a short visit to school due to exams. I believe Jishin also has exams right now but I may have forced Mai to stay at home. I feel like the mother in Tangled since I'm basically forcing Mai to stay inside while saying I do so to protect her. I really am the mother in Tangled.

The thought of returning to Kinmyaku freaks me out, honestly. Today is one of the few occasions where I want to use my privilege. I will start the exam 15 minutes later in a separate classroom. Exams are already overwhelming, and being forced into socializing will be even more overwhelming.

I'm grateful Kinmyaku listened to my needs. And hopefully, I will be able to enter and leave the building without any encounter with another student. In case I haven't jinxed it already.

Mr. Tanaka is the one who is in charge of looking after me during the exam. It's easy to look through him. I can easily tell Mr. Tanaka is holding back from talking. I hope he does so because he can look through me too.

"You can start the exam" Mr. Tanaka said after handing me a booklet.


My first-ever exam is done. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about it besides I'm relieved it's over. The results don't matter that much as long as I haven't failed. I don't want to be known as an academic failure by the history books.

The hallway is still empty and quiet. It feels weird since it's usually crowded with loud students. I don't know if there are any students left or if I am the last one to leave. Maybe they all have gathered outside with a group of paparazzi and are waiting for me.

As I walked through the hallways, the sound of rushed footsteps was heard behind me. The footsteps were getting louder, meaning the person was about to run into me. Even though social interaction is the last thing I want to do here, I still don't have the energy to care.

"Wait!" Nicholas said as he grabbed my shoulder.

We both stopped walking. I turned around and saw Nicholas along with Kenji and Hinata. Did they wait for me?

"It's been so long since we saw you. How are you?" Nicholas asked.

"It's fine" I answered.

"We know you have been through a lot lately. Are you sure it's fine?" Nicholas questioned.

Just like Mr. Tanaka says it is easy to look through them. They are holding back questions they would like answered.

"Spill it out. There is no meaning to holding it back when I can see through all three of you" I said.

They looked at each other. They were communicating with their eyes on who would be the one to ask.

"Crown Prince Riki. We know you have been through a lot. When someone is going through a tough time they may make dumb decisions, it's very common. And yours happens to be the choice of dating Sato Mai" Kenji said.

"You do know that she is the daughter of Sato Mateo, right?" Hinata added.

"I understand your concern. But unfortunately, I don't have the same concern. In fact, it's not a concern at all" I replied.

"Not a concern at all? You are dating Sato Mai. Don't you understand that she is gonna use you in case she already doesn't? Sato Mateo killed the king and soon it's your turn to die soon. They want revenge and vengeance" Nicholas questioned.

"And how do you know that? Have you asked Mai or her father about it? How can you be so conceived when you don't have any proof or reliable source? I am a proof and a reliable source, but you still don't believe me?" I said.

The three of them were taken aback by my sudden reaction. Despite my reaction, neither of them seem to believe me. They rather look disappointed and stressed. They really do believe Mai has or will brainwash me, just like my father did.

No matter what it is, what I say, or how I say it. No one believes me. And it's always been like that.

"I would appreciate it if you three stopped talking about topics you do not know about. Just because you have heard something doesn't it mean it's true and you should continue spreading it" I said.

"Mai is a perfect example of that. Neither of you has taken your time to ask Mai, to confirm whether the information about her is true or false. Instead, you start to believe in the information right away without any proof. Just because someone has heard anything doesn't automatically mean it is true" I added.

"But you don't understand, Crown Prince Riki. Sato Mai is different. You don't know her as we do-" Hinata replied.

"I don't know her as you do?" I repeated with a chuckle.

"I don't ask you to like her. You are free to have your own opinions and I want you to do the same with me. Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean I have to disagree too. I don't care if you dislike Mai because I love her and that's more important" I added.

Nicholas, Hinata, and Kenji were left speechless. I assume they ran out of arguments because they realized they could not win this argument against me. But just because I won doesn't mean they are gonna listen to me. I know them. They will continue living inside their own little bubble.

"Also. Just a reminder in case you have forgotten. It's King Riki now" I said before I walked away. 

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