024 | life-changing moment

242 18 4

nishimura riki

My life-changing moment happened when I found a purpose in living, to wake up and get ready every morning. Before that, life felt unnecessary, and everything I did felt like a task rather than a natural thing. I used to mentally have a to-do list that was filled with tasks such as getting up, making my bed, brushing my teeth, and taking a shower.

Despite it not being that long since I mentally wrote down my to-do list, I had forgotten about it as if it happened years ago. This has helped me understand my brain better. Once I move on from something or go through a change, I forget the past like it never happened.

I hope my memory improves because from now on, I don't want to lose more memories. I bet I already have lost thousands of thousands of memories, and some of them might be core memories.

"Why didn't you warn me that we would climb a hill? This is exhausting" Mai complained out of breath.

"Because you wouldn't agree to come with me if I warned you" I replied.

"That's fair" Mai said with a chuckle.

I have promised Mai to return a favor by taking her to my world. Something easier said than done. I have felt very skeptical about showing a piece of my world to Mai because I am scared of making it sound like I'm bragging. After every single piece of new information I receive about Mai, the less I want to do and show something that is related to myself.

Sooner or later I have to be honest with her, and I'm not ready for that yet. I am aware that the longer I wait, the harder it's going to be to tell her the truth. But the problem is, I like what we have and I don't want to change it. By revealing my position and identity as the crown prince, it might change what me and Mai have.

What I like about Mai is the person I am when I am with her, I am myself. Most people like to believe they know me just because I am a public figure. But what people don't seem to understand is that there is a difference between knowing someone as a human and knowing someone as a person.

Mai is the only one who knows me as a person, as me and not as Crown Prince Riki. Nobody knows I put on a mask every time I walk outside. I have to set up an act by pretending to be a better version of myself. Forcing yourself to hide behind a mask is exhausting.

"I want you to close your eyes" I told Mai before we reached the top of the hill.

Mai let out a sigh as she smiled at me. She closed her eyes and I held her hand as I guided her to the spot. Mai almost tripped while walking, causing her to hold my hand tighter by intertwining our fingers.

Despite reaching the spot, I questioned if I should walk around in a circle just so I could hold Mai's hand longer.

I told her to open her eyes. In front of us is the evening view of Minato Ward. The sun is setting down, the skyscrapers are starting to light up one by one, and the Tokyo Tower is having its golden hour. Mai still held my hand tight as she looked at the view with sparks in her eyes.

While Mai's eyes were glued to the view, I folded out a blanket for us to sit on. The sparks in her eyes were still there as she looked at me, looking stunningly beautiful. We sat down and since Mai was still holding my hand, I placed it on my lap to hold her with both of my hands. I don't want to let go.

"Can I ask you something? Which one is your house?" Mai suddenly asked, causing me to let out a soft laugh.

"You can't see it from here, unfortunately" I answered.

"I wanted to ask you that but that was not the question I was supposed to ask. I was just wondering if you know the Crown Prince?" Mai responded.

I stared at our out of confusion. This was the last question I expected from Mai.

"Or maybe that was a stupid question to ask. Just because you attend the same school as him doesn't automatically mean you know him" Mai said.

"No, it was not a stupid question to ask. I was just trying to figure out why you asked that. Are you a fan of him?" I asked.

"I'm not a fan, but I would like to meet him" Mai answered.

My heart is flattered by Mai's wish to meet the Crown Prince. Knowing this has made me take one step closer to revealing my identity, but there are a lot of steps left until I'm ready.

"The Crown Prince is one lucky man. There is a beautiful girl out there who wishes to meet him" I said with a smile.

"I would be very surprised if the Crown Prince thought the same way" Mai replied with a chuckle.

"Well, that's his loss and my win" I said with a smile.

The only sound available is low background noise from the highway and the wind brushing our ears, but our hearts are following the same beat right now. There is something about this moment that makes it impossible to resist myself, to stay calm and laid back as I usually do.

It's impossible to resist yourself when the person you cherish is sitting in front of you.

"Mai. When you meet the Crown Prince or any boy who wants your attention, can you send a greetings from me?" I asked.

"What do you want me to say?" Mai asked back with a soft laugh.

"This" I said as I placed my hand on Mai's jawline, using my thumb to brush her chin, and leaned in for a kiss.

Mai kissed back while placing her hand on my waist. We slowly separated our lips from each other, still keeping our hands in the same place. My left hand is on Mai's chin, Mai's right hand on my waist, and my right hand and Mai's left hand are still glued together.

Before our eyes had a chance to meet, I hid my face by placing my forehead on Mai's shoulder. I don't want her to see me smiling like an idiot while having a tomato festival on my face. I kept hiding my face as I lifted Mai's left hand to kiss it.

I am extremely grateful and thankful for having Mai in my life.

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