Chapter Four

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I've always hated flying. Not because I'm scared, but because I get so bored and uncomfortable. I'm too tall to fit properly in the seats, even in the extra legroom ones Mom bought us. I need to stand up and walk around what feels like every ten seconds. That's why I get the aisle seat. Also, Miles magically knocks out as soon as he sits down, so I wouldn't want to climb over him and disturb his inhuman slumber every time I get up. I've been preoccupying myself with a book I bought at the airport. You know those airport books that you would never even think to read if you weren't about to get on a flight? Well, I thought it would be one of those, but I am severely hooked. Miles wakes up and I put my book away. I check my phone and am shocked to realize three hours have passed. He rubs his eyes and squints out the window.

"How far away are we?", he asks groggily.

"A bit under an hour", I tell him softly.

Miles just sighs and nestles his head on my shoulder. Something has been bugging me the whole flight and I can't seem to shake it.

"Did you think that Uber driver was kinda strange?", I ask Miles, not even sure if he's awake.

Who? Peter?", he groans from my shoulder.

"Yeah", I confirm. "He started acting weird when you said 'Quinn'"

"He said he knows the island", Miles reassures me, his voice drifting. "Maybe he was just wondering if you were the same Quinn?"

"Yeah, maybe", I reply, even though I don't believe that. "But after you went inside the airport, he wished me a Merry Christmas".

"Oh no, call the police", Miles mocks through his yawn.

"No, but it was- like- weird", I say, not knowing how to explain it without making me sound paranoid. Maybe he was just trying to decipher if I was that Quinn or just a Quinn, and maybe he was simply trying to wish me a Merry Christmas. But I'm not so sure.

Before we know it, we are touching down in Miami. We gather all our belongings and disembark the plane. We trudge through the airport mostly in silence until we arrive at baggage claim. I get my bag almost immediately, so I just stand with Miles while he waits for his. Miles watches the conveyor belt with wide eyes, even though his bag would be impossible to miss. Oh, and here she comes. Towering over every other bag.

"There it is", I call, pointing towards it. "The fatty over there".

"Can you not fat shame my bag please?", Miles asks, smiling.

"Well maybe tell your bag not to be such a big fat troll", I tell him.

"Well maybe you should take your own advice", Miles says giggling. I give him the finger. I check my phone and see I have a message from Ivy.

'I'm here, fuckface'

Charming. Though I can't help but smile. Miles walks up to me with his bag and notices it.

"What?", he asks.

"Ivy is picking us up", I tell him and he starts smiling too. He loves Ivy.

We walk, holding hands, outside to the pick-up area. I notice Ivy in the distance, standing next to our parents' range rover, looking for us. Her bleach-blonde hair glistening under the streetlights. When she sees us, she waves emphatically. We move towards her and I embrace her in a hug. I haven't seen her in a few months and I missed her. We've always gotten along really well. We only had each other when dealing with the rest of our family. We've seen first-hand through our aunt and uncles, what happens when siblings don't get along and I think that scared us into loving each other.

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