Chapter Nineteen

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I gasp as I jump up from the couch, staring at the top of the tree whilst I back away. Miles jumps up with me in shock, but he doesn't know what I saw.

"What?", he asks frantically and the rest of the family members join in.

Everyone slowly moves from the kitchen to stand in the living room. I try to speak but nothing comes out. I can't form a thought, let alone a word, whilst staring into the eyes of Dana's bloody head perched atop the tree. Some of them, including Wade, seem to be growing more impatient with my silence but I don't have it in me to tell him. Physically and emotionally. So, instead of saying it, I just point a shaky hand to the ornaments.

It slowly clicks with each and every member of the family as horrified and disgusted screams of realisation fill the room. I continue backing away from the tree until I am forced to a stop by the marble fireplace. It never stops. The death and fear never stop. We should have known better than to believe they would give us the night off. They don't care if we rest. But I was thinking they were the ones resting. Apparently not.

I watch Wade move closer to the tree and let out a wail that is so deep and so powerful that it rattles the ground beneath my feet. He collapses to the floor and accidentally tugs at the bottom branch of the tree. In doing so, he accidentally skewers his hand on the fishing hook holding one of Dana's thumbs and he rattles the tree, causing her head to detach from the branch and topple to the ground with a loud smack. The head bounces three times and it would keep going, but it is halted by the couch. It lands right by Ivy, who squeals again before jumping out of the way and running toward me.

My mother quickly grabs my Dad, Ivy, Miles, and me and forces us out of the room, through the kitchen and back into the foyer. It's not as bad here but the smell still assaults my senses. To think I was smelling remains the entire morning without knowing it makes me want to double over and puke. I look at the blood pool, still seeming as fresh as it was yesterday even though the blood on the wall is dry. Was this where it happened? Is this where they dismembered her body?

Wade's cries echo throughout the entire house. They're so loud and so constant that I see Miles cover his ears and shut his eyes tight as he slumps onto the stairs. Soon after we left the room, Bonnie and Ruby followed us, leaving Otis to take care of Wade. I can only make out the hushed whispers of comfort Otis speaks as Wade's cries get softer and softer until I can't hear them at all and Miles uncovers his ears. I sit with him on the stairs and he wraps his arms around me tightly, burrowing his head into my shoulder. I see Bonnie leave her mother's side for the first time since last night and walk over to Ivy, embracing her.

"Don't touch her, Bonnie", Ruby says coldly, as she tries to grab her but Bonnie brushes her off.

"She didn't do anything", Bonnie responds but still Ruby eyes Ivy. I know she wants to get back at my mother but not letting your daughter talk to Ivy is a little extreme. Especially your thirty-year-old daughter who you only just started speaking to again.

Bonnie shushes Ivy softly as Ivy quietly cries. It's sweet to see, however, all I can focus on is the fact that now Ruby is alone. And Ruby is standing dangerously close to my mother. Luckily, my Dad is there, holding my mother and making suspicious glances at Ruby, trying not to make it too obvious but he's failing. I side-eye Ruby as she watches my mother like a predator hunting its prey. But then she makes eye contact with my father and he just shakes his head slowly, like he's giving her a warning. Ruby just scoffs and turns away, walking back into the living room. The silence in the foyer allows us to hear something from upstairs. Miles immediately perches upright and he turns his head sharply. It's the baby.

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