[Ch. 5]

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"What's the genre of this story?" The reporter asked, amused. "I mean, is this real?"

"I can show you something," he said.

"No... you don't have to show me that," the reporter said.

"And here goes our favorite thing..."


"Nikki?" Alex asked, walking toward the figure.

"Alex!"  She shouted, running toward him. 

"Well, girl, what's up?" He asked as she was close enough. "Another problem with others?"

"No, no, it's not that," she said. "But some kind of a truck is parked outside. It makes strange noises."

"It's just a truck going by, Nikki," Alex said, sighing.

"No, it sprayed some kind of liquid, and everyone was coughing!"

"What a nonsense," Alex said, rolling his eyes. "It could just be water."

"It wasn't a water! I saw it!"


"Alex, she's a kid," the man said. "Don't be harsh."

"I'll go and find out what's happening there," Alex said, sighing. "I see no problems though."

 As Alex walked out of the door, Nikki just looked at his back.

"I didn't lie to him at all. I really saw it, and no one believed me when I told them."

"Your name is Nikki, am I right?" 

 Nikki glanced at the man. He smiled softly at her as he crouched to meet her eyes.

"Was there time when no one believed you what you saw?"


"Did it really happen later? Like, when you said you heard people scream, did people scream somehow later again?"


 The man sighed. "It's getting dirtier every time I think of it."

"Did I do something wrong?" The girl asked, tears in her eyes. It broke even the coldest man's heart that he embraced her. 

"It's okay, Nikki, it's not your fault."

 Just then, the door opened again, and there stood a guy whose eyes had some anger. 

"Why did you lie to me, Nikki? There was absolutely no trucks, and no one seemed to be hurt!"

"I didn't lie! I just told you what I saw..."

"How can only one person saw the accident when it's big like what you described?"

"Alex," the man warned, his voice getting lower. "Stop."

"She lied-"

"She didn't," he growled. "Just believe her for a second!"

"My Lord," Alex said, trying to calm his anger. "You knew her for only a minute."

"Yes, I just met her," the man said. "But I know more about time than you do."


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