[Ch. 8]

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"So that was the devil... what now?" The reporter asked, scribbling notes on her notepad.

"We didn't finish the thing I experienced," Alex said.

"Oh," the reporter murmured.

"Let's go with my story then."


"Nikki!" Alex shouted as soon as he got back to the building. He had to give her thanks about telling the future. There were no serious problems this time, because he made the truck move, and the injured people were treated well. No gas coming into the house.

 But he couldn't hear the steady beatings of the girl. 

"Nikki?" Alex asked, stepping into the room cautiously. When he found a girl lying on the ground, he almost screamed. She didn't breathe a bit. He quickly did CPR, but something seemed to be strange. Why were there so many burnt things in this room? Was there a big fire here?

 Thankfully, Nikki's breathing came back, and Alex looked anxiously at her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and she shook her head tiredly.

"I played with fire," Nikki murmured. "I didn't know he would try to kill me by making me breathe in this air..."


"There was a man who offered me to get his powers," Nikki said, trying to stand. She coughed. The golden eyes of Alex returned, and he made her lean against him. The comfortable energy surrounded her, healing her scars.

"Do you remember how he looked?" Alex asked.

"I only remember that he had red eyes," Nikki murmured. "And also the fact that he could control fire."



"Wait. Let me pass this stupid control."


"WHAT WAS THAT STUPID GUY DOING IN MY HOLY PLACE?!" K yelled as he got the control. When he saw the confused look on Nikki's face, he just sighed deeply. 

"I heard that he's planning a revenge on you," K said, embracing her hard. 

"How do you know that?" Nikki asked.

"I can just know it. He already found his next subject. I think it is... oh my."

"Who is it?"

 K looked at her.

"You don't have to know about him," he muttered. "Not yet."

"Oh... okay."

"I'll tell you when I see that subject being around here," K said.


"By the way, didn't that devil do something strange before he turned crazy like that?"

"He just showed fire shows to me," Nikki replied.

"Didn't he push some kind of energy?"

"A red ball of fire," Nikki recalled. "Right into my heart."

"Typical devil," K snarled. "You dare harm her body?!"


"Sorry. I've got feelings for the devil. You'd better stick with one of the members here for a while. Such person like him would try to get his revenge as dark as possible."

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