[Ch. 10]

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"So here comes our rescue..!"

"Let's see what happens!"


"Where's Nikki?" Alex asked as he ran down the stairs, waking everybody on the way. 

"Isn't she in her bedroom?" Ian asked, tired. "You know, the attic."

"I checked everywhere, from the basement to the attic, and I can't find a trace of her."

"What?" Justin asked. "She's gone?!"

"I need a search party," Alex muttered. "I think I know who kidnapped her."


"I can't tell you now," Alex said. 

"How are you going to find the kidnapper, then? You should at least tell us how that person looks."

"You'll see how he looks when you meet him," Alex muttered. "Don't tell anyone about me being in the party, though. Only three of us will go chase the kidnappers away, and take her back. Do you understand?"

"You don't know where kidnapper is," Ian said, checking his armor.

"Ian," Alex warned.


"I have many ways to find the kidnapper. The problem is, are we able to go to the place the kidnapper is hiding from? And will he let me take Nikki back from him?"

"Absolutely no," Justin murmured.

"Correct. I know this particular person who kidnapped her, and he is obsessed with her so much that he would even give his life to make her stay at his side."

"He would give away his life? For a girl?" Ian asked, surprised.

"Maybe he saw some potential in her, I don't know. But anyway, to win this game, we should really stop him before he goes insane."

"So where do we go?" Justin asked. 

"To the hill," Alex replied. "Come on, get on my private jet."

'Alex,' a voice rang inside the guy's head.

'Yes?' He asked.

'He's in Hell,' the Titan said. 'With Nikki.'

'What do you mean?!'

'You have to wait until he takes her back to her home, Alex. This time, you can't win.'

'What do you mean, exactly? I can fight! If-'

'You can't, because the Hell is the place for only devils. And you're not one.'

'Then what should I do? I have to save that girl!'

'You can't go there with your troop, but I can go.'

'You mean... you will go there by using my body?'

'Yes. Only if you give me the control... thanks.'

 Alex's eyes glowed golden, and there was a small hiss coming out of his mouth. He'll save this girl. The only one who broke his cold heart. He won't ever let the devil hurt her, and he'll succeed in getting her back to 'home'. It was his fault that she was gone, and he would eventually find her and take care of the devil.

"I guess they're coming, Lewis," the devil snarled. "So fast."

"What do you want me to do, my Lord..?"

"Kill them," he ordered. And he pointed at the girl whom Lewis was carrying. "And keep that girl safe from them. At least, this place is a better choice for us, because we're devils and they are not."

"You called me a devil..." Lewis whispered. "I'll do my best, my Lord."

"Your voice changed, you know that?"

"I... I think I love this..." Lewis said as his eyes glowed red - brighter than ever. 

"All that evil... I can feel it..." The devil said, feeling the emotion - and he realized that it was just being proud of the hybrid. He was proud of him. All because Lewis was growing so quickly... and there was only one thing left to be done to become a devil... And it was about putting the Amulet of Evil and Darkness right into the hybrid's heart. The thing would provide enough power that the devil could handle, and it would slowly change the hybrid into a devil. After he transforms into a real devil, he would go insane, and he will become the king of the entire universe. The amulet would pick the person who's willing to be near him, and only she would be the one left in the whole universe. Then the age of devils will finally begin. 

 The devil laughed out loud as he thought of the age of devils beginning. How he hated the gods! Only thought of themselves, but look at them! They knew how to handle with mortals, and they even had a girl who can live instead of the other humans. They would rise, anyway. With the power they carried, they could tear this world down...

"-my Lord," Lewis said, anxiety in his eyes. 

"Yes, Lewis?"

"What should I do with her?" Lewis asked, pointing at the girl. The devil hissed shortly before looking at a door behind them. It made him grin, and Lewis glanced at the door. 

"It's a bedroom. I used to lie down there." 


"Go inside, put her in the bed, and lock the door with fire so they won't be able to enter the room."

"I understood."

"Oh, and you should stay inside the room with her," the devil added. When Lewis seemed to look confused, he just chuckled.

"Why?" Lewis asked.

"You're my hidden card, Lewis... I can't show them how powerful you are before you are ready."


"Boy, you are still my favorite. You'll grow up to be a fine, young devil with pure evilness in his heart. I know that, and that's why you're my lieutenant. Since the only devil alive is me, you'll get all the rights of being the king when I die someday... and no one will be able to beat you."

"Don't say about fading away, my Lord!"

"I feel death coming, Lewis..."


"This battle would be the end of my life. You know, I used so much power on making you a hybrid. I can't win this game if I'm in a weakened state like this."

"My Lord... please..."

"Here, I give you the amulet. You have to use this when you sense me dead. Just push it to your heart, and when it 'clicks', you will know that it would provide you energy for eternity."

"You won't die," Lewis hissed angrily. "You're my Lord."

"I will die... I just know that..."

"I promise you this then! When you die, I will absorb all the power from you, defeat the enemies, and save the girl. Then, I'll kill all the AARO members..."

"My little devil," the devil said, smiling beautifully at the hybrid. "I'll always look for you..."

"Open this stupid door!" The man screamed. His eyes were flashing golden, with a scythe at his side. He had to find his girl before the devil-

 The door opened, and he rushed inside.


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