I groan from my bed

"Its the last day of school then were FREE" said my twin Anthony excitedly

"Que horas son?" (What time is it)

"6:30" he replied, looking at his phone

"Ok" i sigh "salte ima change" (leave)

I got up and i washed my face put on some mascara and a little bit of lipgloss and just brushed my hair since i had blown it out last night

By the time i went down stairs i had 15 minutes till we walked to school.

"Buenos dias ma, pa" i said, kissing my parents on the cheek.

"Hey mija, come on and eat. Last day huh" said my mom

"Yep" i said

I finished eating and went to get Anthony from his room so we could leave

"Bye ma bye pa" we said walking out and i texted our group chat with the sandlot boys and my best friends telling them we were on our way

The school day went by really fast since we just goofed around all day. My last period of the day was heritage spanish, which i had with Benny Rodriguez, my brothers best friend. most of our group except for scotty had known each other since we were born, so we were all really close so Benny was also like my best friend i guess.

Since spanish was one of my favorite classes i was excited, until i saw we had a sub. Usually i wouldn't mind, but the sub we had was Mr. Dunham, which i so happen to have beef with since middle school. (True story guys i have beef with a sub at my school ☺️🤞)

"Ugh great" i said and sat with one of my best friends Estella in a back table with Benny and Kenny. Who would've thought you could speak Spanish almost fluently just by hanging around some hispanic kids and their families for over 10 years.

The bell rang and Dunham started taking attendance.

"Andrea Ochoa" he got to me. I look up to say here and hes glaring at me. I roll my eyes. Is this grown ass man really keeping a fight going with a 14 year old?

"Here" i say with the least amount of attitude i could manage, which was still a lot

"Come here please i need to have a word with you"

Ugh great

I got up and walked to his desk

" Miss Ochoa, since this is the last class of the last day i would like if you hold back on that sass of yours" he said

I roll my eyes for what felt like the millionth time. " I would if you would just stop targeting me for everything 'aNdReA kEeP qUiEt' you always tell me but THE WHOLE CLASS WAS TALKING" i say glaring at him. I didnt even wait for his answer before walking to my seat and putting my head down, having enough of this.

"Well that looked like it went well" i heard someone snicker

"Shut it Benjamin" i mumbled, slowly raising my head back up to see DeNuñez and Benny laughing.

I roll my eyes and turn back to Estella, who was staring at Kenny in awe

"Stellaaa" i say with a smirk on my face

"What? Oh um sorry what where you saying?" She says blushing a little making Benny and i laugh.

"Andrea quite down" said Mr. Dunham

"The table over there is blasting music that im pretty sure you could hear across campus yet im the disrespectful one?" I say pointing to the table across the room, annoyed.

"Just quite down"

Im about to beat a grown ass man up
"Ugh that was the worst possible way to end freshman year" i said

"Awh come on Ma, at least You'll see me more now instead of being at practice all the time" joked Benny with a smirk, throwing his hand over my shoulders, (AHHHH🦋🦋🦋🦋) it caused one specific group of girls to glare at me but i honestly couldn't care less

I have to admit, Benny was good looking, but i could never see myself dating him. He was one of my best friends.

The guys always said i did too much and they barely saw me during the school year. To be fair i did do a lot. During the fall sports season i play volleyball, winter sports i do soccer, and spring sports i do softball. Its a lot ik but i honestly love it and it keeps me in pretty good shape so thats a bonus.

Softball season just ended and we won the district championship!

Kenny and Ella were also walking together giggling and smiling. I give Benny a nudge and nod towards them and we share a smirk. They definitely liked each other A LOT

We got outside to see everyone else. Anthony, Aisha, Yeah-Yeah, Squints, Smalls, Ham, Bertram, Timmy and Tommy. 

"HEY GUYS" yelled Tommy. Him being the youngest of the group, he was practically my child. We all said hi and walked back to my house

Mi niña-Benny The Jet Where stories live. Discover now