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I woke up Wednesday to a bunch of noise in my room.

I open my eyes to see all the guys roaming around my room doing random things.

"Morning" i hear Benny say as he flops on my bed next to me.

"Why are you guys here so early" i groan covering my head with my covers.

"Its like noon" Benny said ripping my covers off. Thank god i was wearing shorts and a hoodie i stole from Issac.

"You fucking liar its 8:30" i checked my phone

I was wide awake last night procrastinating about what happened at the fair yesterday. You know as one does.

"Let me sleeep" I say covering my face with my pillow

"Nope were not doing this today BENNY" Ham says and before i know it Benny picks me up snd throws me over his shoulder and starts walking out of my room with the boys walking close behind

"Buenos dias Mija como dormiste?" My dad says in a joking tone as im still over Bennys shoulder

"MAL MUY MAL" i yell as Benny effortlessly sits me down on the couch where Ella and Aisha were already at.

"Why do you guys so desperately need me up" i ask laying my head on Aishas lap

"Because Benny wa-" Yeah-Yeah started to say before Bertram Elbowed him to stop talking

"We just wanna go to the diner and were having a campout later" Kenny said sitting next to Ella

I noticed everyone was still in their pajamas.

"Fiine but im not changing." I say getting up.
We all got up and told my parents we were leaving and started heading to the diner

"COME ON LETS GO" Squints Yelled hopping on my back.

"Goddamn squints your fucking heavy" i say but i still carried him. I struggled but i did it like the fucking girl boss i am.

We got to the diner and i sat down in between Benny and Scotty.

"Hi Im Wendy I'll be your waiter today"

"Hey Wendy!" I say smiling at her

"Andrea?! Oh my god hii i didn't realize it was you guys." Wendy and I became friends last year during English

"Why arent you at the pool?"

"They decided to close it a week early for fall. Some dickhead thought it would be funny to sneak in at night and pour god knows what into the water." She says rolling her eyes. We all ordered our food and ate

After we paid we walked back to our neighborhood

"So Benny are you joining football this year" i say smirking. He thought it was the most overrated shit ever, which it was but it was still fun teasing him about it.

"Are you joining cheer?" He asks returning a smirk

"HA ni que estuviera loca. You have no idea how fucking hard they work. I would literally DIE FROM EXHAUSTION the first day. Either way im doing Volleyball so"

"Guys get your things for the campout so we dont have to go back home after we play to get them" Ham says

"Damn Hammy thats the first good idea ive heard you have" i say laughing as he just rolled his eyes.

We all went to our houses to get our things then went to play at the sandlot

After it started getting late we made our way to the Timmons house.

"Hi Mrs.Timmons" Ella Aisha and I say. We hung out with her for a little while the guys went out to the treehouse

After we caught up with her we went up and all the guys had set up their sleeping bags already. Ella and Aisha obviously went to set their un near their Novios, and the only empty space was in between Scotty and Benny. Not mad about it tho.

We did the usual things we donat campouts: s'mores scary stories games. All that. Everyone fell asleep around 2am.

I woke up at around 5 and walked outside to sit on the roof.

A few minutes later Benny came outside too

"You remembered" i say smiling.
Since we were younger Benny and I would wake up extra early at these campouts and watch the sunrise on the roof. It was our own little thing.

"Kinda hard ro forget considering i almost fell off the roof last time" he said sitting next to me. We sit in comfortable silence and i rest my head on his shoulder as we watch the sky brighten.

"Im not ready to go back" he whispers

"Me neither. Your probably gonna have to deal con la bruja esa Olivia" i say

"Dont remind me" he said shaking his head

"Wait so...why did you like her?" I ask looking at him

"I honestly dont know...guess it was to get over someone i was convinced didnt like me back" he said looking back at me

At that moment it felt like we were the only people on earth. Once again we slowly leaned in. We were so close together when we hear a scream.

"What the fuck was that" i say quickly getting up and going back inside the treehouse.

"Fuck" i hear Benny mutter as he follows me inside


"HOWD HE FALL OFF THE FUCKING BALCONY" i ask rushing outside to see Squints on the floor rubbing his head

"Im fiine" he says sitting up

"Jesus christ Squints your fucking insane" i say climbing down to help him up

"I didnt see you or Benny so i went to see if you were outside and i fell" he said as i reach out my hand to help him stand up

"We were on the roof watching the sunrise" i say starting to climb back up to the treehouse

"AWWW HOW ROMANTIC" i hear Kenny yell from inside and i just roll my eyes. It really was tho

"Shut up Denuñez" i say rolling my eyes

The rest of the week went by really fast and before we knew it Aisha and Ella were in my room helping me pick out an outfit for the first day of school tomorrow.

"HEY GIRLY POPS WHATS THE TEA" Kenny says bursting into my room with Benny Ham Toño and Bertram following behind him.

"Ive got tea! Bertram remember my cousin you danced with at my quince?" I ask him and he blushes and nodds

"She texted me the other day asking for your number" i say excited to play cupid again

"No way Bertie is gonna get a girl?! Never thought i would live to see this day" Toño says putting his hand over his heart and sniffing

"ANYWAYS as i was saying before we were RUDELY interrupted" Ella says glaring at her boyfriend, who just sends her a smirk,
"This red top will do" she says holding up a red tank top

"Are you trying to get me killed? No red or blue you know what kind of town we live in. Were in the highest gang rated county in Cali for fucks sake"

"Also everyone knows who our uncle is so.." Toño said taking the shirt from Ella as we all sit quietly for a second

"You know your family would fit in on my block really well" Bertram says breaking the silence and we all laugh

"But yea no red.. or blue" Kenny says taking a now blue shirt in his girlfriend's hands

"Fine then you fuckers pick something" Aisha said

They all look at each other and then push Benny to go to my closet.

"Uhhh here" he said picking some flared jeans and a brown fitted long sleeve top

"Hm cute but comfy. Nice job Benny" ella says

He just shrugs
"Bella taught me well i guess"

We hung out for a while and then everyone left home.

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