We were all hanging out in my basement doing our own things.

Yeah-Yeah, squints, Ham, and Smalls were playing on the Ps5, Timmy Tommy Toño Benny DeNuñez and Bertram were playing the Mimic on roblox which was hilarious cus they kept screaming, and Aisha Ella and i were talking about one of the only things on my mind recently: My quinceañera.

I was so excited.

When it was around time to start planning, my mom wanted Toño and I to have a joined party. I would still get my big dress and all the traditional things, but also along with him. I didnt mind and actually thought it would be kinda cool but it took a lot of convincing to get Toño to go along, but he eventually have in

The party was in the end of summer. I had already gotten my dress, picked my hair and makeup and all.

I also chose to have chambelanes and damas. Ofc all the sandlot boys and Toño for chambelanes, and Ella Aisha and some of my cousins for damas that were close in age to the guys.
I was so excitedd

That night Aisha and Ella slept over and we talked almost all night. We took pictures in our matching pjs and laughed a lot. I love my friends so much
I woke up that morning almost falling off my bed. Fucking Ella kept kicking us. I love her but shes gotta stop sleeping in the middle.

The girls still werent up so i went down stairs to start making breakfast.

I walked to the kitchen when i see Benny just stabding there on his phone.

"What the fuck? Why are you just standing here at 9 in the morning" i ask heading to the fridge to get my supplies to make crepés

"This is exactly why. You make good breakfast" he said

I just rolled my eyes and started preparing the batter.

"Make yourself useful and cut the strawberries and bananas porfas" i tell him and he just nods

"Wheres Toño?"

"Went with my parents to go pick up some of our family" i say

Everything was quiet for bit. Too quiet.
It was really weird cus Benny never shuts the fuck up

Then i see a cloud of flour surround me and Benny laughing

"OH YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY CHISTOSITO?" I say grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it back at him

We had a full on war until Ella and Aisha came down stairs.

I finished making the crepes and Benny and I cleaned up the mess we made

"You owe my mom more flour" i say as i wipe the counters


After the girls and Benny left I went tl take a shower to get the flour out of my hair

After i was done i changed into some comfy clothes and relaxed in bed when i got a notification

My mom had texted me to go hang out at Bennys house since they were gonna take a while and didnt want me to be home alone.

I agreed, got my phone airpods and keys and headed over across the street. Our families were basically best friends along with most of all the sandlot boy's families, so i didnt mind hanging out with them.

I walked across the street to Bennys house and didnt even bother knocking. When i walked in i saw Bennys mom and dad on the couch watching tv

"Heeeeyyy" I said going over to hug Mari and Luis, Bennys parents

"Hey Nena" said Mari

"Bella home?"

"Yep shes in her room"

"K gracias" i say heading to Bennys older sisters room

"BELLAA" i say running into the room

"Hey Nenaa" she says smiling

We caught up since were both so busy we barely see each other

"Ugh its crazy your going to college already" i said

"I know, but at least i got into a good school"

"Which just so happens to be the school Issac goes to" i smirk

My cousin Issac had live with us since his parents, my moms cousin and her husband, died 10 years ago. He was like Toño and I's older brother.

Bella and Issac always sorta liked each other, but they both denied it every time we tried to bring it up. My grandma even thought they were dating last year at our Christmas party, and seeing their faces get super red was the funniest shit ever.

"Stop its not like that" she says laughing

"Your right. Idk why you would like him, esta medio feyito" i say shrugging

"He is not ok, yea it would be weird if you thought he was good looking he's basically your brother"

"AHA so you think he's good looking" i say smirking


"Nena" Benny's mom interrupted

"Ok your safe for now"i say leaving the room as she nervously laughed

"Mande" i say going down stairs
"Can you go to the mall with Benny, he's going to get a gift for Mrs. Porter, its her birthday tomorrow"

"Ok, are you dropping us off?"

"Voy a manejar yo" Benny said walking out of the kitchen

"HA, hilarious you think im getting into a car YOUR driving! I like my life. Ni tienes licencia" i honestly feared for my life

"Im 15 its fine i know how to drive" he said WAY too confidently "plus we're Mexican yo manejo con la licencia de dios" (yk that meme? Lmfao)

"Welp im dying today. But if im risking my life might as well have fun. Lets pickup Aisha and Ella on our way there, you can bring kenny too if you want"

"Fine" he said and we got ready to leave

"Con cuidado Y NO ME VAYAN A CHINGAR MI CARO O ME LOS CHINGO YO A USTEDES" Luis yelled sorta joking

"TE LO CHINGAS A EL" i say one hand up one pointing at Benny

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