A week goes by since we went to Bennys house and after that he's been distancing himself from the whole group.

"His new girlfriend does want him to hangout with any of us for stupid reasons" Ham complained. We were waiting for him so we could start practicing the dances.

"Yeah yeah she says me squints timmy and tommy and smalls are too immature, and that Ham Denuñez Bertram and Anthony are annoying"

"She also thinks you Ella and Aisha are hoes"

"SCOTTY!" I was trying to keep this child as innocent as he was when he first came, but with the guys around it was hard. "Dont say that word"

"But its true she doesn't like you guys...girls" Bertram says "especially you nena"

"Uh hey guys sorry im late" Benny walked out to my backyard. Guess who followed him out? If you guessed Beyonce your wrong. It was oLiViA. Awesome.

Today tho all our parents came to watch us practice since it was Saturday, and it was another carne asada.

"Took you long enough" i mumbled

Diana walks out and we get into position

Benny takes my hand and i feel Olivia glare. I just roll my eyes.

We go through the vals a couple times then move to the surprise dance. It also included couple moves for bachata.

After we decided to end practice we all got water and sat down. All the parents went inside

"Hey Andrea? Can i talk to you real quick?" Olivia said

"Fine" i got and followed her. This should be interesting.

"What do you want"

"For you to stay away from my boyfriend" she says with a fake smile. "I swear Andrea you better back up or you will regret it"

"Oh i know your not at MY house threatening me" i start. "You got me FUCKED UP if you think im going to do what you tell me. I dont know who you think i am, but i know damn well my parents didn't raise a pushover."

"Im going to tell you one more time. STAY AWAY FROM BENNY YOU STUPID BITCH! He doesnt want to be around little hoes like you"

I scoff "if you just came here to show how insecure you are then mission accomplished! You can leave now. Adios!"
I say and walked away.

"What was that about?" The guys start questioning.

"She tried to threaten me to stay away from benny." I say rolling my eyes.

She went up to benny and started crying.

Benny looked at me mad and walked up to me.
"What did you say to her" he asked mad

I scoff "that i wasn't going to let her threaten me in my own house" i say crossing my arms sitting in my chair

"Andrea shes crying now because you yelled at her!" Were doing full names now? Fine. I could tell the whole group wanted to jump into the argument, but they knew to let me handle it. I look him dead in the eyes and say

"Yeah well what did you want me to Benjamin? Let her come to my house and threaten me? Be a fucking pushover? Cus thats not whats going to happen. If you want to distance yourself from us fine be my fucking guest, but tell your little girlfriend threatening us isnt going to do shit." I say still looking him in the eye.

His eyes widen as if he didn't expect that answer from me. She must've really brainwashed him for him to think i was really going to sit back and take all her bullshit. He should've known better

Then he said something i didn't expect.

"Huh Olivia was right. You really are just a little bitch" he said. It caught me off guard but i didnt let it change my facial expression.

"If im such a bitch then just go. Walk away no ones stopping you. Just know that you just chose some bitchy girl over 12 friends that would've always stuck with you."

He just scoffed and walked away with her, leaving through the side door probably to avoid our parents inside. But something in me felt weird

"Nena im so sorry, ik you too were really close" ella said hugging me

I shrug "i don't really care, yea he was one of my best friends but im not going to cry about him because his dumbass chose a bitch he just started talking to over us. Not worth my energy" i said, but it hurt. It hurt a lot more then i thought it would.

"Well they finish the fence and dugout today, so tomorrow we can go play and you can pretend the balls Olivias head" Kenny said with a little smirk

"Thanks Ken" i laugh a little

I got up to go get some water inside and see my and Bennys parents and Bella peering out the window where we were.

"Que están haciendo" i say

"Mija im so sorry about Benny" Mari says hugging me

"Who knew he was such a clueless dick" Bella said and i laughed a little.

"Its fine guys. En serio, estoy bien. He's not worth crying over...no offense" i said looking at Luis and Mari and they just laugh. You know you fucked up when your own parents dont back you up.

"Thats my girl, not letting a boy get to her" my dad said hugging me

"Thanks papi" i laugh hugging him back

"Ok ok we get it shes your favorite" Toño said walking inside. It was true tho, but he knows damn well he's a mommy's boy and im a daddy's girl so i dont know what he's complaining about.

"Celoso" i say and grab some water walk back to Ella and Aisha

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