Today was Tuesday. Yesterday we got back from the beach pretty late but i couldn't sleep at all. I liked Benny. Thats all that was in my head

"Well since its our last couple days of freedom we might as well do something" Ham says before chugging a coke. We were heading to the dugout to take a break and we were all tired asf

"Todays the last day of the fair we could do that" Aisha said as she sat down.

"Ok so we'll meet at our house and head there" Toño said and we all agreed


I heard a knock on my door while i was getting ready.

"Hey Nena everyones here estas lista?" Benny said coming in

"I dont know what top to wear" i say staring at my closet. I had on some shorts and a tank top.

"Its gonna be cold so maybe.." he pulls out the hoodie that he gave me. "Might as well use it if you stole it" he says laughing

"Ok" i say taking the hoodie out of his hands. I put it on and it was pretty big on me considering hes like a foot taller than me, so i rolled up the sleeves so i could see my bracelets.

"Hurry up now were gonna be late" he says taking my hand to lead my out of my room.

The hearts of our bracelets connected. I looked down and smiled.

We walked downstairs and everyone was waiting for us

"Finally you took forever." Squints said sitting up from the couch

"Bet they were mak-" Ham started saying before Benny and I both said stopped him


"Well then why are you holding hands?" Ham said smirking

"Why not?" Benny says letting go of my hand and throwing his arm over my shoulder

"Can we just go now?" Timmy said irritated

"Can we just go now?" Tommy repeated

We got out money and said by to my parents and headed out.

And Bennys arm was around my shoulder the whole walk there.

We all got to the fair and payed for our tickets.

"GUYS GUYS WAIT" Bertram said

"Bertram i swear to god if you pull out the chaw i will beat the shit out of you" I say giving him my famous death stare

"Fine" he said taking a packet of tobacco and throwing it away

"Good. Now ima go get a slushy. You guys want one?"

"ME" Smalls squints Yeah-Yeah and Tommy said in unison

"Ok ima need someone to come with me. Scotty?"

"Ok!" The strawberry blond boy said and we headed to a slushy stand

"So whats going on with you and Benny?" Scotty asked right away

"What do you mean" i ask playing stupid

"You guys have been reaaaally close since the party... do you like him?"

I dont know why but i felt like i could tell Scotty.

"Honestly...i think i do" i say looking at him as a grin spreads on his face.

We chat about random things, on our way back we passed the guys who wanted a slushy, so we gave them theirs and kept walking

"He's still wont let me anywhere near the ball- woah look Nena" Scotty says pointing towards a stand where Benny was surrounded by some random girls.

Mi niña-Benny The Jet Where stories live. Discover now